Chapter 38

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* Time skip

Avery walked into the Slytherin Common Room, the books in his arms towering over him and threatening to fall.

It was NEWTS season for the seventh years and it was wearing them all to the bone. He dumped the textbooks with a satisfying thud on the table in front of Regulus and Nita, startling them.

He looked down at them like a proud father. When Rosier saw them holding hands on the platform after last years winter break he almost fainted. Avery wasn't far behind his boyfriend when he saw Nita kiss Regulus's cheek.

The whole school had lapped it up almost as much as when James and Lily happened, and Persephone was basically the forefront of it all. She thought she was their biggest fan. She was wrong of course. Narcissa was overjoyed, having proof the bond wasn't a fatal mistake and seeing her favourite Black happy. The only people who seemed against the relationship were Sirius and James. Remus had sent his regards in a short letter none of the Marauders knew of.

Right now the pair were snuggling together on the sofa, something that wouldn't have been unusual a few years ago but seemed all the more sweet now.

"Come on then lovers, we have NEWTs to pass!" Avery said with a smug grin as they jumped apart.

Regulus grumbled. "We don't need to study. We're leagues ahead of NEWT classes"

"Some modesty wouldn't kill you Reg. Help me with my potions"

"Can't. I have... somewhere to be" he replied elusively, standing up.

Avery's eyes swept over them. Regulus's jaw was set, and Hermione was wearing the jumper they shared. The one she smells in the Amortentia. It clicked. A mission.

In the beginning, Regulus was never picked for such things. He only attending meetings, but now the Dark Lord kept requesting to see him personally. Regulus wouldn't speak a word of it to anyone, and it worried Hermione immensely. A blind person could see that. But all she did was kiss his cheek and say "be careful" in a warning tone.

"Help me out will you? With this essay Mione? You explain better than Reg anyway" Avery said quietly as Regulus swept out of the room, his cloak moving around his feet dramatically.

Hermione didn't seem to hear him, only staring after Regulus with a blank expression. That expression was now a default with her, a way to hide her emotions with expertise. Avery felt her slipping away from them all bit by bit and into her thoughts, a dangerous place to be in times like this. Once you disassociate yourself from the one thing that keeps you sane, in this case your friends, you spiral. They couldn't afford to let Hermione spiral.

"The Dark Lord wants Kreacher" Regulus said bluntly at breakfast the next day.

The pair were sitting at the end of the table, eating breakfast in a comfortable but now broken silence. The Slytherins usually let them eat in peace, knowing that as Hermione was always studying and Regulus was the Slytherin Quidditch Captain they didn't get much time together in the mornings.

Hermione dropped her fork. "What does he want him for? Surely he can use any elf?"

"I originally said no. Mother forced my hand. She said it would be a great honour" Regulus looked at his eggs darkly, speaking in a clipped tone. Hermione thought back to the bruises she'd noticed on his back a few nights ago when he was changing out of his quidditch gear. "He won't tell me what for, but the Dark Lord is taking him tonight."

"Can't you go too?"

Regulus shook his head, spreading butter on a warm roll. He spoke sullenly "It's of the utmost importance to the war apparently. No one can know"

Hermione couldn't think of anything useful to say. "Take your mind off it" seemed insensitive. "Oh well" seemed unhelpful. So she let him eat in brooding silence.

When she'd finished her small breakfast, Hermione left Regulus to his newspaper and hurried to library. She was meeting Persephone to discuss something, though she wasn't sure what yet. The Hufflepuff was being rather secretive.

As she turned the corner, Hermione came face to face with Dumbledore. A small smile played on his lips. "Miss Potter."

"Professor" she answered in a constricted voice.

"I must say it's a shame you passed up on the opportunity to be Head Girl. Your brother was a fine Head Boy" he said slyly, trying to provoke a reaction.

Hermione's knuckles gripped white as she tightened her hold on her books. "I know you want me to take the role to spy on me, Professor, to monitor me. Manipulate me, even. And so I had to let Evie MacDonald take it. My apologies"

She took a few furious steps away, when she heard Dumbledore say "And don't forget, Miss Potter, that the year is ending. I'll be expecting that necklace back at your graduation. Send my regards to Mr Black, also. I hear he's in quite a predicament"

Hermione's heart stopped as she heard him sweep away. She stood for a few moments, staying frozen, before sprinting to the library. She pushed people out of her way and forced the stairs to move with a flash of purple. When Hermione finally reached the library panting, Persephone looked up at her unimpressed.

"You're late" she said, pulling out a chair.

Hermione fell into it, a glare settling on her beautiful features. She looked different, so overcome with an unalterable fury that her eyes were solely purple no brown or white to be seen. Her curls swirled around her face as if she was in the middle of a storm. Hermione was shaking uncontrollably. Regulus was the only person who could possibly console her when Nita was in such a state. Luckily for Persephone, Regulus hurried into the library not a moment later.

"Nita?" he called with a sense of urgency.

Persephone sent little sparks into the air, just taller than the bookshelves, to capture his attention. "Over here"

Regulus took long strides and crouched in front of the chair. With delicate hands, he took hold of her shoulders, stilling her. He looked at her openly, forcing his features into a calm expression. Hermione's hair still swirled, but as Regulus slowly massaged his thumbs into her shoulders, her eyes became more humane.

"Who's upset you, love?" he whispered.

Hermione grimaced " Albus bloody Dumbledore" 

"What did he do?"

His hands moved from her shoulders to her defined curls, tucking them behind her ears, before  he took careful hold of her face. "What did he do, Ninita?" Regulus repeated.

"Sirius. Sirius is a grass." she snarled, "he told Dumbledore that you're involved! And now he 'sends his regards'. "

Persephone gasped, and Hermione and Regulus looked up at her as if they forgot she was there.

"Sirius wouldn't do that. He loves you. You're family -" 

"No we aren't" Reg snapped, "He's Sirius Potter now. He's probably switched out Father's name for Fleamont too"

"Don't worry Reg, he likes his initials too much. SOB" Hermione said softly.

Desperate for a subject change, Persephone asked "How did you know to come here Regulus?"

"The bond." he answered simply. 

Standing, Regulus kissed Hermione's head. "Don't worry, love. He was bound to find out. And Sirius's... betrayal is something I have made peace with. I've got to get to Potions, but I'll see you later"

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