Chapter 10

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Wanda follows Siobhan to a clearing in the nearby forest, away from everyone.

I land in the clearing, seeing Wanda had followed me, "I'm sorry. I had to get away from everyone looking at me like I was a freak."

Wanda shook her head, "it's fine. I understand, trust me. You just can't wander too far, we don't know if they're going to be looking for you."

I nodded, pacing, "I know. I know."

Wanda grabbed her hand, "hey. We will get this under control. I will help you. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you Wanda. I'm just so angry, it's all I can feel at the moment."

Wanda nodded, "okay. Then let it out. We're safe out here. It's just you and me. And you can't hurt me."

"Really?" I looked at her and she just nodded again as she put up a sort of force field of her own in front of her. "Okay." I gather all the rage and fear I felt and let it all go, sending a burst of energy around me as I screamed and fell to my knees, closing my eyes.


I heard Wanda's voice, and for the first time I thought I detected a hint of fear. I opened my eyes, standing up to see I had uprooted all the trees around us, making the clearing a good 100 feet in diameter. "I didn't know I could do that."

Wanda shook her head, "it's okay. Now before, when you started to panic, Steve pulled you back by kissing you. Can you recall how you felt?"

"Um," I shrugged, "I don't know. He distracted me."

Wanda nodded, moving closer to her, "yes. But what did you feel?"

I closed my eyes, recalling how it felt, "it made me feel safe. And calm."

"Good." Wanda smiled as she opened her eyes, "when you're feeling overwhelmed, you need to focus on those feelings so you can learn to control them. Okay?"

I nodded, "okay. Thank you Wanda."

Wanda sighed, "you're welcome. This will become our new training ground until you can control it better. Okay?"

I looked down, embarrassed, "okay."

Wanda grabbed her shoulder, "it's okay. You're new to this. It's going to take some time."

"I know." I looked up at her, "I'm sorry I ruined the party."

Wanda shook her head, "no. Tony shouldn't have made it such a big thing without asking you first. It's okay."

I nodded, "okay. I'm gonna go check on Steve."

Wanda watched her fly off as she took a look around to the damage she did to the forest. She had never seen someone so powerful before. She wasn't even sure if she herself could have done what Siobhan had done.


I went back to my room to find a present on my bed. I changed into pajamas and looked at the box, seeing it was from Steve. I smiled, grabbing the box and went to his room. The door was open so I entered, shutting it behind me. He looked up, smiling when he heard me enter, "what is this?"

Steve moved to the edge of the bed, patting for her to sit next to him, "it's for your birthday. I hope you don't think it's dumb."

I shook my head as I sat next to him, the box between us, "why would I think it's dumb?"

Steve laughed, "just open it."

I shrugged, "okay. You didn't have to get me anything though. We don't even know each other that well." I looked up at him, kissing him on the cheek, "just knowing you is present enough."

Steve blushed as he motioned to the box.

I opened the box to find a large black blanket with a giant Captain America shield on it, making me laugh, "what is this?"

Steve stood up, grabbing the blanket and wrapped it around her, "you can sleep with it, and it will be like I have my arms wrapped around you until you're ready for the real thing."

I stood up next to him with the blanket wrapped around me, "aww Steve. Thank you. I love it." I wrapped my arms around his torso as I felt him wrap his arms loosely around me and I rested my head on his chest. After a minute, I pulled back a little, looking up at him, "kiss me?"

Steve smiled, nodding. He brought a hand to her cheek, placing his thumb on her chin as he pulled her lips to his.

I breathed him in as I felt his lips make contact with mine. I leaned into him for the first time, my tongue finding his quickly as I heard him moan softly and I felt him pull me tighter to him. I brought a hand to the nape of his neck, not wanting him to stop.

Steve pulled away after a few minutes, still looking down at her.

Siobhan, "you're extremely patient. And your self control is crazy."

Steve laughed, "you have no idea."

I laughed, pulling away completely. "I love the blanket Steve. Thank you." I sat back on the edge of the bed, still wrapped in the blanket, "I'm sorry about earlier. I'm still trying to control it."

Steve sat next to her, "I know. It's okay. I'm sorry for kissing you without asking first."

I shook my head before resting it on his shoulder, "no. You calmed me down. You do calm me down. Thank you." I looked back up at him, placing my hand on his cheek, "you make me feel safe."

Steve nodded, "you are safe with me."

"I know." I leaned forward as he rested his forehead on mine, "can we try sleeping together again?"

Steve laughed, "sure."

I lay down with my blanket still wrapped around me as I watch him set the empty box from my present on his desk before turning off the light and crawling into bed facing me. "I'm sorry in advance if I throw you from your own bed."

Steve laughed, "it's okay. Just don't leave this time?"

I let out a small chuckle, "deal." I reach over, grabbing his hand before closing my eyes.


Tony followed Wanda to the clearing, "Siobhan did this?"

Wanda nodded, crossing her arms.

Tony looked around, spinning in a circle, "can you do this?"

She shrugged, "I'm honestly not sure. I know now why they were trying to dampen her power. She's way more powerful than I've ever seen. We need to keep an eye on her as I try to help her learn to control her powers."

Tony shook his head, "are we in danger?"

"I honestly don't know. But I think as long as she's with Steve we aren't. He seems to be all that is keeping her stable."

Tony nodded, "we need safe guards in place just in case."

Wanda sighed, "I know. Steve won't like it."

"Then we won't tell him."

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