Chapter 9

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I try to avoid Steve for most of the day after throwing him from his own bed. I had just finished dressing for the party when I heard a knock on my door. I opened the door to find Steve standing in the doorway in black slacks and a blue button down tucked neatly into the slacks that matched my dress. I pointed to the shirt, "Wanda or Nat?"

Steve smirked, shrugging, "I wanted to match you. I wanted to be your escort." He let out a long sigh as he tried to survey her in her dress as respectfully as possible. He looked up at her in the eyes, blushing, "don't read my mind please."

I laughed, "I won't. Look, I'm sorry about this morning."

He shook his head, moving closer to her, "don't be. I'm fine. I'm quite sturdy as a super soldier, I assure you."

I nodded, "I know you are. I still feel bad." I looked down at the floor embarrassed.

Steve reached out his hand to her chin, lifting it up to look at him, "don't be." He took a step towards her so he was only inches away as he moved his hand slowly to the nape of her neck, giving her a chance to brush him away but she didn't. "You look beautiful. Happy Birthday Siobhan."

I felt him lean in, kissing me, taking more time. His tongue didn't retreat as quickly this time, making me moan quietly as it danced softly with mine. I push him away slightly, "okay" as I tried to catch my breath.

Steve removed his hand, "sorry."

I shook my head, "no! I enjoyed it. I'm just not used to feeling this way."

Steve smiled, "well I intend to make you used to feeling this way."

I blushed as he put up his arm and I hooked mine in his, placing my hand on his bicep. He walked me down to where they were holding the party as I tried to concentrate on not falling. I hoped Steve didn't notice my wobbling. I blushed when he leaned down to my ear.

"I'll help to keep you steady, just hold onto me."

I nodded as he opened the door and I saw there were a lot more people than I had anticipated. I turned to Steve who seemed to feel my apprehension.

Steve grabbed her hand with one hand, placing his other on the nape of her neck, "hey. Just look at me." He rested his forehead on hers as she looked up at him, "I'm sorry. I didn't realize he would invite all of SHIELD too. But it's okay. You'll be fine."

I shake my head, "no. It's too many people Steve."

Steve felt the whole building begin to shake as he looked around to see a few people panicking. He looked back at Siobhan, "hey!" He didn't know what to do, so he kissed her again as he felt everything calm.

"I'm sorry Steve. Was that me?"

He nodded, "I think so."

I shook my head as I felt Wanda come up to me, "I didn't know I could do that."

Wanda nodded, "I told you that you were stronger than you thought."

"I'm sorry."

Steve shook his head, "you just need to remain calm." He sees Bucky come up with a glass of whisky. He handed it to Siobhan, "just a drink. You've never been drunk before. Just enough to calm your nerves a bit."

I nodded, taking the glass, "your kiss helped a bit." I saw him laugh as I took a drink before Bucky took it back. I turned to him, "thank you James."

Steve grabbed her hand, "are you okay?"

I nodded, "I guess."

"Okay." Steve led her through the party to Tony, "did you have to invite the entire compound?"

Tony shrugged, "I'm sorry. I didn't think it would that big a deal."

"Of course you didn't, everything is always about you."

I felt Steve starting to get angry, which I had never seen before. I pulled on his hand, "it's fine. I'm fine."

Steve looked back at Siobhan and saw for the first time since she got there that she was afraid of him, "I'm sorry."

I shook my head, "it's okay. Dance with me? Though I never have, so I can't guarantee I'll be any good."

Steve laughed as he led her to the dance floor in the middle of everyone, "I'll lead. Just hold onto me."

I nodded as he placed my hands on his shoulder and I felt him place his hands on my lower back, making my flinch slightly. I closed my eyes, calming myself, knowing I was safe before looking back into his eyes.

He leaned down to her ear, "it's okay. I have you."

I rested my head on his chest as I listened to his steady heart beat and I felt him pull me tighter to him. After a few minutes I hear him clear his throat and I hear people whispering around me.

"Um, Siobhan."

I look up at him and he motions to the ground and I realize we were floating, "oh my god. I'm sorry." I lower us both back to the ground and I realize people are watching us, "I don't know what's wrong with me." I let go of him, running out of the party outside. I look up to see Wanda and Steve following me outside. "I don't know what's wrong with me!" Before either of them can say anything I hear a loud crack right behind me as I turn around, sending whoever was behind me flying backwards.

Thor got to his feet, charging at her when Loki appeared in front of him, "she didn't mean to. You can't sneak up on people brother."

I look at the altercation between Loki and another tall dirty blond man I had been told was Thor, "I'm really sorry. You scared me. Thank you Loki."

Loki nodded as he guided his brother inside to the party.

I looked at the windows and saw some people watching me, making me nervous. I groaned, flying up as I ignored Steve calling for me.

Wanda looked at a disgruntled Steve, "I'll go after her."

Steve sighed, going back inside. He ignored the people in the party, going to his room. He grabbed the present he got for Siobhan, taking it to her room and setting it on her bed before going back to his own bed.

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