Ella laughed at how displeased he looked that his plan didn't work, she probably would have thought what he just said to be quite rude if she didn't know why he was saying it, but now she only found his dry humour endearing. "Oh come on, you said- in fact, I distinctly remember you promised you wouldn't act differently."

"That's not true. As far as I remember, I promised that I won't regret it, and I don't. I just wish you'd forget I'd ever said that and it's not the same thing." he said and resumed walking.

Ella followed, thinking over his bizarre logic that made no sense to her. They both reached the empty classroom and clearly they were way too early as they found seats next to each other.

"If you're thinking I'm gonna make fun of you or something, you can rest your mind," Ella said but was unsure about what would be disturbing him.

He removed his hands from the pockets of his grey sweatshirt, rested them on the desk and turned his whole body to face her. She suddenly felt unnerved under his intense gaze, "I know you wouldn't do that, you're not like that." He said, sounding sure of himself.

A small smile spread across her lips and she processed that, "I was hoping we could be friends."

Noe frowned, his brown eyes looked troubled as he spoke, "Really?" He swallowed like his mouth was suddenly dry, "You want to be friends after I told you what I did..."

When he puts it that way, it doesn't sound too considerate...but her mind was still stubborn "B-but why not-?"

"Why not? Ella I know it's too much to ask for you to return my feelings, but I refuse your proposition of friendship." He said firmly as he turned away and busied himself with finding a notebook and a pen from his bag.

Ella felt like she was on unsure footing, "So, like- are you going to be my project partner o-or my classmate for however long we know each other?"

Neo shrugged as he looked in front, "I don't mind that, beats being friend-zoned."

Her eyes widened at his bluntness "You don't have to see it that way...I-"

"How else will I see it? You are disregarding my feelings, you're being insensitive." Neo said as he fidgeted with the pen in his hand.

Ella didn't know how to react to the accusation she heard in his voice, and she was lost for words, "What I-?"

He didn't give her time to justify and softly spoke, "Even if I was drunk that night, it really took me a lot of courage to say that to you."

His gaze held her and stayed, a moment of silence passed as she thought over it, she realised her fault and then she admitted, "Alright, I understand and I acknowledge that, but I don't understand what I should say or do." She took a deep breath, "But I do want to get to know you as a person and I've come to care for you a little bit."

A small smile formed on Neo's face at her admission and she thought he looked a lot less intimidating when he smiled. "You could have just been honest from the beginning."

"I guess, but now it appears we are at an impasse." She slumped in her seat.

Neo nodded, "It seems that way."

"So, what should we do?" other students started walking into the classroom and filling the seats, while they sat there thinking.

"Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Ella was more than a little taken aback by his suggestion and she almost gave herself a whiplash to look at him, he looked serious. "Wha- that's your solution?"

Dear Intruder | (Completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें