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A/N: this is an X read fanfiction. you are part of this story so if you see this ---> (Y/N) this means insert Your Name. enjoy reading <3

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(Y/N) was regretting not asking Kurama about his cellphone number or maybe she had? She groaned as she tries to recall their conversation the whole night and that maybe they've talked about it while they were at the club but she couldn't remember a detailed conversation she had with Kurama.

It was very blurry.. some memories we're even missing that Akira had to tell her the things she can't remember. Like how Hiei vomited at the ladies restroom and Akira was there laughing and helping him out. How Kuwabara and Yusuke went inside those human sized cage and dance there. How they all were able to get to dine in at a fastfood resto before going home And How Akira went home by herself.

All she can remember was the loud music, Kurama and her dancing, laughing and then taking shots and then kissing torridly ... taking off each other's clothes and then ... "Nooo! Focus!" She slap her cheeks lightly.

Every time she tries to remember that night her mind seems to be focusing at that part. Its the only thing she can remember clearly.

She did try going to Yusuke's place but it was always empty and never saw Yusuke there or the mother of yusuke is always drunk which made it harder for her to approach her and ask.

A week passed by..

And another..

She stopped checking if Yusuke is home

And the whole month gone by..

She was starting to lose hope that she'll see Kurama again and was actually trying to forget everything. "I guess thats how One night stand usually is" (Y/N) was very sad, she knew they had a connection and she didn't want it to be just a one-time-thing and for a second she's sure that Kurama feels the same way as she did.

"Or maybe it was just me? If Kurama felt it too, shouldn't he be looking for me as well?" She asked herself but she didn't want to blame kurama Alas If she can't remember a single conversation with him. For sure Kurama was on the same page.

She let it go and went back to her life, hanging out with Akira, going to school. Once in a while she'd miss the four guys they had fun with.

Another month passed by..  




(Y/N) received a call that her mom was brought to the hospital. After school, she went there straight. waiting for her to wake up. She was reading a book when her mom called out her name. "(Y/N) ... "

"Oh mom! Im glad you're awake now" she dropped her book and held her mother's hands.

"Don't worry, you're ok now. The doctor said that the heat trigger your blood pressure to went up high. Where were you? You know you weren't supposed to be out if its too hot"

"Oh i was with Genkai, she's an old family friend. She visited me and we decided to catch up. I then went with her at her residence to help her make some herbal traditional medicine. I learned that when I was a little girl from my grandma." Her voice was with a hint of proud tone. "And I've thought you everything about that right?"

"Mhh yes yes i remember that our ancestors are a healer and they have medicinal practice at the ancient time for humans and not-so as the story said" she was doubtful about the monster thing ? As far as she can recall. Their ancestors helps and heal any humans and demons that are severely wounded or sick. They're kind hearted like that. But she always thought that term 'demons, monster' was just a term for bad guys.

Kurama X reader: A night to rememberWhere stories live. Discover now