Episode 7: The Tale of Two Valkyrie's

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(I sit next to Ranzo, Hannah and Basara as we wait for the Match to Begin)

Ranzo: So how did your match with Free go, Amigo?

Me: He completely crushed Me. I almost had him but he used Fafnir's Speed and Spin Power to unleash a Powerful Counter through its Spring Loaded Driver.

Basara: Do you think he's going to use the same move against Bell?

Hannah: That'd be bad. Really bad.

Me: Probably. But don't worry, he must've trained hard if his opponent is Free!

Ranzo: Uh... He didn't train. At all.

Me: You're kidding, right?

Basara: Nope, we tried helping him but he refused.

Hannah: Yeah. he said the Demon Brat doesn't need practice and he'll easily beat Free.

Me: *Sighs* Sometimes I wonder about him.

Hanami: Hello all you Boys and Girls! We have an Amazing Match for you all! From the Gates of Hell, The Demon King has shown up to challenge the Legendary Blader Free De La Hoya!! Let's see if our Demon King can beat our Legendary Blader, Free De La Hoya!!

(Both Bladers walk out to the stadium as Bell stares Free down)

Bell: Free, The Demon King and Dynamite Belial will Burst Fafnir into smithereens and make you cry!

Free: Are you now?

Referee: First Battle!

Basara: Bell, make sure to--

Bell: I've got this! The Demon King doesn't need advice. Also Belial's already in High Mode.

(Bell shows off his Belial in High Mode to the crowd)

Free: So you're using High Mode.

Ranzo: Bell you need to listen! Free will--

Bell: Ranzo, I don't need your help! I've got this by myself!!

Hannah: *Sighs* Demon Brat. He's going to lose since he only listens to himself.

Bell: Free, get ready to lose!

Referee: Ready? Set!

All: 3! 2! 1! 

Bell/Free: Go, Shoot!!

(Bell and Free pull off Powerful Shoots, Belial speeds around the stadium at Full Speed, Fafnir takes the center)

Hanami: Fafnir takes the center as Belial goes on the attack!

Bell: Venture Shoot!!

(Belial leans on the Rubber on the Venture Driver and picks up amazing speed, Belial continuously rams into Fafnir from above)

Hanami: Belial's letting loose on Fafnir and it isn't letting go anytime soon!

Free: *Chuckles* So you're attacking now?

Bell: *Laughs* Belial will burst Fafnir into pieces!

Ranzo: The Baka King is so overconfident.

Basara: But his plan is actually working. If he continues to strike Fafnir from above Fafnir won't be able to absorb his attacks. Bell could actually win.

Me: No... He's playing right into Free's plan.

Bell: *Roars* Belial!!

(Bell's Resonance Aura flares up as Belial blazes out of the Bey)

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