Chapter 25: Disagreements

Start from the beginning

Some of the Carunoans taunted the enemies briefly, before Burk alerted them that it wasn't over.

"Cody, have the rockets brought up here, I think we're going to need them." Iulius instructed and Cody relayed the order.

The rocket troopers reached the walls and pointed their launchers toward the direction of the attackers.

As Iulius predicted, the Yavzakhs now deployed heavy artillery: three of their walkers, that were armed with mortars and plasma machine guns, supported by another wave of infantry.

As Iulius predicted, the Yavzakhs now deployed heavy artillery: three of their walkers, that were armed with mortars and plasma machine guns, supported by another wave of infantry

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While the men on the walls opened fire again, with the rocket troopers able to destroy the first walker, Iulius called the Admonitor.

"Tanis to Admonitor, how's it going for our fighters?"

"Admiral, we're gaining the upper hand. The enemy fighters are less maneuverable and do not have shields. We'll soon have total control of the sky." Bolo answered with an inch of enthusiasm in his tone.

"I need a bombing run on the enemy. Transmitting coordinates." Iulius added as he used the range finder to send the signal.

"Sending the bombers." Bolo replied a few seconds later.

That said, Iulius went back to shoot, gunning down two more Hybrids himself. The walkers did some damage, especially their mortars. A couple grenades hit the top of the wall and wounded two stormtroopers and a Carunoan that were promptly evacuated in the courtyard by a group of women that acted as nurses for the medical officer of the stormtroopers.

Finally, after a minute, the bombers called Iulius.

"Admiral, this is BP-942, we're starting our attack run from vector 4." the leader of the squadron said.

Iulius quickly turned in that direction, which was on his right, and quickly spotted the first bomber. There were five of them and were coming in one at a time, ready to release their payload of proton bombs on the aliens' heads.

The first bomber managed to destroy one of the walkers and hit a platoon of Yavzakhs. The second one destroyed the last of the machines and caused other losses. Eventually, the bombing run proved to be extremely destructive for the aliens.

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