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It had been an hour since the beating from Hayley and Melinda was placed in a room with a guard outside

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It had been an hour since the beating from Hayley and Melinda was placed in a room with a guard outside. She was unconscious, due to blood loss and soon after the door opened, making her wake up. She sat up with a wince and leaned against the wall as Armaros walked in with a man behind him. "Hello, Agent May. I'm sure you know how Hayley 'feels' towards you, but it was all fake feelings." Armaros tells her. She looked up at him confused at what she heard him saying. How was it all fake? Armaros gestured to a spot that was in front of Melinda and one of the man followed him and placed a chair down, before aggressively placing her onto it. Armaros crouched in front of her and gabbed her face making her head turn to him, "You see, the reason we took you and tortured you was that you seem to be the strongest out of your team. No one can defeat you unless they have powers, isn't that right?" She made no way of showing that she was listening as she was slowly falling in and out of consciousness. Armaros grew tired of it and slapped her across the face and it hit the cuts that lined the side of her face. She groaned in pain, before looking up at him with a glare. "I'm sure that plane had a lot of memories. I believe Adam ruined one. You and Hotchner were going to kiss, weren't you?" Armaros asks and him mentioning that made her clench her hand that was on her lap and her fist was turning white. Armaros saw and smirked before he turned to the man and gestured to the camera facing their way. "I bet when your team sees this, they would be on their way to come to find you." Armaros tells her as Melinda finally found the will to speak to him. Her voice was hoarse, due to not having anything to drink or eat for hours. "Why-Why are y-you doing this?" Armaros starts to caress her cheek making her flinch away. He smirked and yanked her hair back, exposing her neck that had dried blood going down, and stared at her. She yelped in pain before glaring again at him. "S.H.I.E.L.D stole everything from me! They killed my wife and my daughter! Do you know what that's like, Agent May?! Probably would if we were to kill your team, including Jack!" Armaros yells at her and mentioning Jack was making her try to fight him off only for him to pull tighter. A knock on the door made him let go of her hair and he gestured for the man behind the camera to open the door. The man nodded and opened the door and Adam walked in with a tablet, "Actually, Sir. She's the one who killed your wife and daughter." Being told that made Armaros mad as can be, "What?!" Armaros stomped over to Adam as he played the video of Melinda fighting Ava and killing her, and Melinda shooting Katya. After the video, Armaros stormed over to Melinda and punched her in the face. She groaned and her face was shot to the left and she moved her head back to look at him. "You killed them?! You killed them!" Armaros yelled at her. She began to tell them why she did it, "I-I had to or they would-would have killed e-everyone in that building." He punched her again and she spit up blood as it dribbled down her face. He gripped her jaw and stared intensely into her eyes. "You hope that your team finds you, or you won't walk out of this building alive!" Armaros sneers as he snaps his fingers before standing up. The man took Melinda out of the chair and dropped her to the ground. They all left, leaving Melinda holding on until her team finds her.

Two Teams in One

The team sat in the new plane they got which was way bigger than the B.U.S. Daisy and Penelope were looking at everything they could find. Something came to Emily's head and she thought she should tell them, "Hotch?" Aaron looked at her making everyone else look as they wondered what she was going to say. Emily was nervous to tell him about what she witnessed between Hayley and Melinda the other day but finally came out and said it. "I have a weird feeling about this. Hayley left the same day May left. This may sound wrong but-" Emily was cut off by Aaron accusing her, not towards her, but towards what is going on, "Do you think Hayley is included in the reason Melinda is gone?" Yoyo raised her hand at him to stop him, "It's a hypothetical." Penelope looked at the Hispanic woman with curiosity and concern for the Asian woman, "Do you think Hayley would hurt May?" Daisy looked at Aaron before looking back at everyone with a shrug, "Well, Hayley was married to you and you and May were really close. Hello, you got her a new jacket." Aaron sighed "To be nice." JJ smirked at him again and nodded as she denied his answer, "Sure, Hotch, sure." Aaron sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose as he knew they will not let it go. He went to say something only to hear Penelope gasp, "We just got sent something!" Everyone crowded around the TV and Penelope pressed play and it showed a camera moving. It then turned into a room, where a man was guarding, showing Melinda lying on the floor unconscious. Everyone gasped seeing her the way she was, as Aaron was clenching his fists. Armaros appeared on the screen, but they only saw his back as Melinda now sat against the wall. "Hello, Agent May. I'm sure you know how Hayley 'feels' towards you, but it was all fake feelings." Armaros tells her on the screen. The team gasped or held looks of anger when they heard Hayley's name. Aaron looked at Emily with wonder as she was right, "How'd you figure it out?" Emily wasn't sure if she should tell them about what she witnessed. She decided not to and talk to Melinda about it later on once they find her. She just shrugged her shoulders at him in reply, "I don't know, but it seemed oddly suspicious of her leaving." He nodded subtly knowing she was lying but then looked back at the screen. Armaros pointed to a spot in front of her as another man placed the chair down and aggressively placed her into the chair. Armaros crouched in front of her and grabbed her face making her look at him. When Melinda was placed in the chair, the light beamed down on her face so everyone could see the injuries they'd done to her. Aaron was doing his best to hide the anger he was feeling towards the whole situation. He was glad that he let Jack and Henry stay with Jessica for a few days so they didn't have to see this. "You see, the reason we took you and tortured you was that you seem to be the strongest on your team. No one can defeat you unless they have powers, isn't that right?" Armaros asks. The team watched as Melinda was falling in and out of consciousness. Aaron started getting anxious from watching this then felt a hand on his shoulder and turned to see David. His anxiety calmed down, only for them to hear a slap making his head shot to the TV and saw Melinda groan in pain and he clenched his fists again. "I'm sure that plane had lots of memories. I believe Adam ruined one. You and Hotchner were going to kiss, weren't you?" Armaros asks her. The team looked at Aaron with shock, minus Phil and Daisy. Aaron gave them his usual 'discuss later' look, making them all look back at the video. They saw Melinda clench her fists making the man smirk. They watched as he turned towards the camera making Phil pause it and turn to Penelope, "Figure out who this guy is and where Adam and Hayley are." Penelope nodded firmly with tears in her eyes standing up, "On it." Penelope grabbed her computer and ran off while sniffling. It was best for her to do it because it could help not scare her. "I bet when your team sees this, they'll be on their way to come to find you." Armaros tells her as Mack scoffed, "Damn, right." Melinda finally looked him in the eye making everyone on the team see she was fighting for her life. They heard her voice making more of the team wanting to find her immediately. "Why-Why are y-you doing this?" Melinda asks making Aaron bring his head into his hands, trying not to get upset. Hearing her like that is making him more upset with himself. That changed his whole perspective when he saw Armaros caress her cheek and then yank her hair back, making her yelp, showing dried blood all down her neck. "S.H.I.E.L.D stole everything from me! They killed my wife and my daughter! Do you know what that's like, Agent May?! Probably would if we were to kill your team, including Jack!" Armaros yelled. The team saw both Aaron and Melinda get upset at the mention of Jack. They saw how Aaron was glaring at the TV and Melinda trying to fight against whoever has her captured. They knew how much Melinda has gotten close with Jack as she treated him like a son, even though she's never treated anyone else like him. The team all looked at the TV when their was a knock on the door and the camera guy opened the door, revealing Adam with a tablet, "Actually, Sir. She's the one who killed your wife and daughter." Armaros was upset with what he just heard and yelled angrily, "What?!" Armaros looked at the video and was seething as he watched a video of what happened in Bahrain. He stormed over to Melinda and punched her in the face making Aaron clenched his fists again. "You killed them?! You killed them!" Armaros shouted in her face. She swallowed sharply and then speak, "I-I had to or they would-would have killed e-everyone in that building." Armaros punched her again and now Aaron was seething, seeing the blood dribble down her face and Armaros gripping her jaw. He was going to do everything in his power to save Melinda. "You hope your team finds you, or you'll never walk out of this building alive." Armaros sneers and then he snapped and that's when the camera turned off. It was quiet for a long time before Aaron threw the mouse from one of the computers at the TV making everyone jump and David grabbed him. "Stop! Stop!" David yelled as Aaron turned and snapped at him and Phil, "We should've listened to Daisy the first time." Aaron stormed off, leaving everyone in the room. Everyone was not only worried for Melinda, but also Aaron. Penelope then runs in with a computer with a bright smile on her face, not aware of what just happened, "I found them!" She set the computer down in front of them as she brought a couple of pictures onto the screen. First, was Armaros with his happy smile on there. "Meet Armaros. The man that's leading this whole operation. His wife, Ava, and his daughter, Katya, were the ones in Bahrain with Agent May. The daughter didn't die though. She's alive." Penelope tells them. Derek gave her a sad expression thinking about what Armaros was dealing with, "He probably doesn't know that, Baby girl." Daisy furrowed her brows not remembering hearing him call Penny that name before, "Baby girl?" Derek began to explain it to her unaware what he said at the end, "I call her these names, Baby doll." Daisy did her best not to blush as some of the girls smiled, as Jemma covered her mouth from giggling. Leopold cleared his throat trying to grab their attention again, "Back to Katya. Where is she?"Penelope got back to business and shrugs, "No one knows. She's 16 and has been looking for her father." Jemma looked confused on how that would work, "Who's to say she knows where May is?" Spencer agreed with Penelope about looking for her father, "Could be possible." Emily frowned at how sad it was watching her boss and the woman he is close with dealing with all that they are dealing with and muttered, "Poor May and Hotch. Can't do anything without being ripped away from each other." Phil got up from the couch along with David, "I'm gonna go talk to him." David started to walk side by side with Phil towards Aaron, "I'll go too." Phil and David walked away leaving everyone else and Daisy walked away as well. When she was gone, Penelope smirked at Derek and he looked at her confused, "What?" She then pretended to be hurt that he called Daisy one of her names, "Baby doll?" The other members smirked or smiled at him. Derek scoffed at their looks before trying to defend himself, "It's not like that." JJ began to tease him like a mother teasing her son, "Oh really? You've never once called any of us those names. The only person you used a name for was May." Jemma lifted her head from Spencer's shoulder curious as to what he called her. She knew there was certain names she didn't like to be called. "What did you call her?" Jemma asks and Mack answered seeing as he was there when it all happened, "Ms. Business." Derek rubbed the back of his neck out of embarrassment, "I got knocked out for it." Leopold snickered and brought his hand over his mouth before removing it, "Rookie Mistake." Everyone then hears a meow as Sergio hops onto the table. Emily smiled and picked up her cat and pet his head, "There he is! I was looking for you!" JJ smiled and pet the cat and then noticed something on the collar. She took it off and saw it was a folded a piece of paper. "What's that?" Hunter asks seeing the paper in her hand. She shrugged her shoulders, "I don't know. It was on his collar." JJ fully unfolded it and it was a note and started to read it aloud. It seemed to be important if someone put it in a cat's collar and sent him their way. "Dear S.H.I.E.L.D, my name is Katya. I'm sure Agent May remembers me. However, I heard she is being held captive by my father. I will help you save her. I need you all to meet in the front of the warehouse at the address on the back. Just know, I'm on your side." JJ reads aloud and Bobbi stood up in alert, "We have to tell Hotch, Rossi, and Coulson!" The team nods and runs off to tell them. Hopefully, they can save her on time.

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Two teams in One/ CM&AOS crossover fanficWhere stories live. Discover now