When World Collides: Concert of Iron and Blood part 1

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Palace of Valor, Neue Imperium

Germania Kaiserreich, 

10:02 am 

"Kaiser, " the commander of the Kaiserreich Naval Fleet, grand admiral Ludwig Junke, a fifty five year old man wearing a black military coat and a trouser with a dirty white sash from attach left shoulder to the right hip with numerous medal attach to the sash politely called while entering the room study room after receiving permission from Kaiser Dietrich Wiedermann who is seating on his chair, "our expeditionary fleet has made contact with the Kingdom of Nezim, " the grand admiral informed with a voice full of jubilation but in a professional tone. 

Kaiser Dietrich Wiedermann looked at her wife who is is sleeping on their shared bed and smiles before once again looking at the grand admiral of his fleet, " We will go according to plan make the offer and when they decline. " 

"pounce on them with the might of the armies and fleet of the Kaiserreich, " he sadiscally replied, "at once it shall be done, " the grand admiral speaks before bowing and leaving the room. 

once grand admiral Ludwig Junke left the room, Kaiser Dietrich Wiedermann stand up and walked towards his wife and sees the latter in pain, he touched her forehead, "goodness you have a fever, " he pointed out before casting a healing spell on her, " Come spirit heal my wife, " he chanted as a dim light engulf his hands while touching the forehead of his wife, "I was never a healer and more of a killer, " he remarked while healing his wife. 

PlieField, Kingdom of Nezim

"just as planned we secure the docks ! " the commander of the garrison shouted while riding on a black horse while leading a force of three hundred ad fifty musketeers into the port facility. 

"have you seen the side of that ship ! " a musketeer wearing a dark green uniform and trouser with a black long top hat exclaimed while in formation with the rest of the garrison, "for a ship that size they must have a limited number of them, " he speculated. 

"indeed not even the commonwealth of Astra, the Kingdom of Anton or the Alvarez Empire can create such a monstrosity, " replied by another musketeer wearing the same attire as the rest. 

"are we facing the army of the devil ? " questioned by one of the mage wearing the same attire as the rest of the formation marching on the street with the rest of the garrison.     

City Lord Tiberius Calloci, a young 26 year old city lord  with black hair and red eyes is currently standing behind the mirror of his study room looking at the warships of the Germania Kaiserreich, "at least they are willing to give us a chance for a peaceful resolution, " he lamented while looking at the orange flag flown by the biggest warship of the armada, "they have hang as to dry, " he mumbled before turning his back and heading towards the door and as he opens it he saw the figure of her six year old daughter, Magdalena Calloci with fear on her eyes. 

"father I am afraid, " the pink haired, violet eyes six year old daughter cries while running toward her father with tears on her eyes. 

"don't worry my dear child you are safe with me, " he tries to comfort her while patting her back as her grip on him strengthened, "but as the city lord I have a duty to the kingdom and to my people. " 

"are you going to meet them ? " the child asked a while looking directly into his eyes after hearing the words his father uttered. 

"yes they must know we are not here for war, " he answered, "nor do we have any interest in violence, " the father of Magdalena Calloci added, 'for I have already sold my honor and my soul to the devil, ' he pondered remembering the earlier conversation between him and the intruder, " I never thought I will have to act this quick, " he whispered making his daughter looked at him while tilting her head sideway. 

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