Giving Aurora a saddened look, her Mam edged her way further into the room and sat down with a sob.
"We've been through this before Aurora, I can't see him like that again. I didn't think there would an again after the last time"
"I know Mam, it hurts us all to see him locked up and we're all scared but this isn't like last time Mam. Dad isn't goin' to do his time and get out after or get out on good behaviour. If Tommy isn't called up in time to give evidence Dad will die and I know he believes Tommy will get it done but like us he's scared and he needs our support. Please think about goin' to see him Mam, he misses you" Aurora begged gently getting up from her chair and going over to her Mam. Kneeling down on the floor Aurora took her hand and held it in her own, giving it a gentle reassuring squeeze "I don't believe Tommy will fail, he doesn't want anyone to die, nevertheless we should be spending as much time as we can with Dad"
Reaching up with her free hand, Anne placed a sad smile on her face and gently petted Aurora's cheek. Her biggest wish in life was to keep her children away from the shit in the world and she'd failed. Rather than keeping her children protected they had found themselves deep in the shit.
"You're a good girl Aurora. Always have been. How did you end up living this kind of life? You never wanted to be a part of the business" Anne remarked giving Aurora's cheek one last pet before getting to her feet and heading towards the door.
"I fell in love with the wrong man just like you did Mam" Aurora called out with a small laugh. All the women in the family fell for the wrong man, it was hereditary and the curse would never be broken.
"Like my Mam would say we're all silly girls wanting to settle down whilst seeking out danger" Her Mam laughed back before clearing her throat "I love you Aurora and I would never see you from this family"
"I love you too Mam" Aurora grinned, tears glimmering in her eyes as she watched her Mam go. This would be the closest they would get to apologising to each other. As always things would be tense for a few more days and then hopefully go back to normal.

Winson Green Prison, Birmingham
Aurora wanted to run into his arms and never let go. She wanted to rip the chains that bound him and take him home but she couldn't. Prisoners weren't allowed to have contact with others in the event they are able to smuggle things inside the prison. It was a good rule to have in place but heartbreaking for those who just wanted to hold their family member.
"Good afternoon sweetheart" William smiled sending Aurora a reassuring wink, his feet shuffling closer to her until a guard yelled out for him to stop.
"How are you Dad?" Aurora asked with a worried smile as she wrapped her arms around herself in an attempt to comfort the pain building inside.
"I'm just fine my girl and you? How was the road? Have you seen your Mam? Will she come see me?" Questions spilled from his lips, his eyes growing sad at the mention of her Mam. After their talk last week Aurora believed her Mam would finally gather enough courage to come see him, it seemed this time around it was taking her more time to adjust. Aurora wanted her Mam to be here but she also didn't want to attack her with the pressure of it.
"I've spoken to her about comin' but I'm not sure when she will Dad, I'm sorry" Aurora answered regretfully, wanting to tell him that she was on her way and wasn't still at home playing chance that he wouldn't be executed.
"It's ok I still have you here and your brothers and sisters. Tommy came this morning to check on me so there's plenty of people to talk to" Still he kept a smile on his face making Aurora want to cry. He looked so helpless and he was trying hard to mask it, god it was heartbreaking to watch.
"Tommy comes?" She asked in surprise, the others had refused to see Tommy stating that they had washed their hands of him. Arthur was starting to come round but didn't want to upset John by agreeing to see his brother. Arthur had the softest heart when it came to tommy and was always so quick to forgive even if there was a chance he'd miss his child's birth. He just wanted the family to be whole and happy.
"Yes Tommy comes. I don't place fault in him for this. He's doing what he can to help but he's just one man facing a fucking mountain. Everyone's angry at him but if he hadn't agreed to give evidence we all would of been killed right away"
"I'm not angry at him Dad" Aurora sighed fiddling with her fingers "I understand why he did what he did but I also understand why people are angry at him. I'm not jumping on the Tommy hate train. I will tell you this though, if you do die I will tear his world apart and I won't stop until his heart has turned into ash in his chest"
"No you won't Aurora" William shook his head with a chuckle taking in the offended eyebrow raised high on Aurora's head "You love him too much, you love Charlie too much. You would never see him without his Dad not after losing his Mum"
"And you're my Dad, I can't think about living in a world with you not in it" Aurora agonised once again turning into that little girl who would hang off her Dad's arm everyday and watch him in awe knowing him to be the greatest man there ever was.
"You might have to sweetheart"

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