(We all get on the Airplane as the door closes and we take our seats, The Plane starts taking off as Hannah looks out the window)
Hannah: We're starting to take off!
Basara: Yeah. You'd better get ready because we're going to be on the Plane for a Long Time.
Bell: *Laughs* My Demon King powers are helping us fly high in the air!
Me: Put a sock in it, Baka King.
Bell: Grr!! Nobody tells the Demon King to be quiet! And I'm The Demon King not a Baka King!!
Basara: Pierce, are you okay? You seem like you're a bit over the edge.
Me: *Sighs* It was... Hard to leave my Older Siblings and leave Japan by myself just with my friends for the first time.
Ranzo: Don't worry about anything, Amigo. We've got your back and you'll be fine.
Bell: Yeah. No need to be Salty to the Demon King.
Valt: You guys are gonna love Spain! There's Paella, Legendary Bladers, and El Santo!
Hannah: I want some Paella!
Basara: I'm sure you'll get some.
Bell: I want to defeat Free De La Hoya, The Legendary Blader!
Ranzo: Can you all quiet it down. I'm trying to take a Nap.
Bell: I'm going to stay up for the whole Ride and see the Plane zoom through the skies thanks to my Demon King Powers!
Ranzo: You should Sleep since you and Pierce have a Match with Free coming up. You need to save your Energy if you really want to beat him.
Me: You're right. Time to catch some Z's.
(I put my Sleep Mask on and fall asleep, as I hold Perseus in my hand)
Basara: I think I'm going to sleep too.
Valt: Same here.
(Everyone puts their Sleep Masks on except Hannah as everyone sleeps peacefully)
Hannah: Seriously? Um... Hello?
~A Couple Hours Later as Me and Bell come out of the Airport Yawning~
Me: That was a Good Long Sleep. Now we'll be able to totally defeat Free!
Bell: *Grins* The Greek Hero and The Demon King will both defeat Free.
(We look around but see nobody around)
Me: *Gasps* Where's everyone else?!
Bell: We lost them. *Sighs* I'll try finding them.
(Bell runs off but slams into a Huge Tall Teenager as he gets up dizzily)
???: Are you okay?
Me: *Gasps* Bell!
Bell: Watch where you're going!
???: Are you Bell Daikokuten and is the person next to you Pierce Atsushi?
Bell: So what if we are?!
(The Mysterious Tall Teenager picks Me and Bell up and squeezes the living daylight out of the both of us)
???: I think both of you are amazing!
Me: Let go!!
Bell: Stop hugging me!
(Valt and the others run up to us as we continued to get hugged tightly)
Valt: We finally found them.

Beyblade Burst DB Mystical Boldness ~Discontinued~
FanfictionPierce Atsushi, a 12-Year-Old Blader who's trying to become the Strongest in the World. Him and his Beyblade, Bold Perseus are overcoming Walls and Great Legends to become the Strongest and defeat the Most Powerful Bladers in the World. He'll defeat...