Episode 6: The Solitary Dragon, Vanish Fafnir!

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(We all get on the Airplane as the door closes and we take our seats, The Plane starts taking off as Hannah looks out the window)

Hannah: We're starting to take off!

Basara: Yeah. You'd better get ready because we're going to be on the Plane for a Long Time.

Bell: *Laughs* My Demon King powers are helping us fly high in the air!

Me: Put a sock in it, Baka King.

Bell: Grr!! Nobody tells the Demon King to be quiet! And I'm The Demon King not a Baka King!!

Basara: Pierce, are you okay? You seem like you're a bit over the edge.

Me: *Sighs* It was... Hard to leave my Older Siblings and leave Japan by myself just with my friends for the first time. 

Ranzo: Don't worry about anything, Amigo. We've got your back and you'll be fine.

 Bell: Yeah. No need to be Salty to the Demon King.

Valt: You guys are gonna love Spain! There's Paella, Legendary Bladers, and El Santo! 

Hannah: I want some Paella! 

Basara: I'm sure you'll get some.

Bell: I want to defeat Free De La Hoya, The Legendary Blader!

Ranzo: Can you all quiet it down. I'm trying to take a Nap.

Bell: I'm going to stay up for the whole Ride and see the Plane zoom through the skies thanks to my Demon King Powers!

Ranzo: You should Sleep since you and Pierce have a Match with Free coming up. You need to save your Energy if you really want to beat him.

Me: You're right. Time to catch some Z's.

(I put my Sleep Mask on and fall asleep, as I hold Perseus in my hand)

Basara: I think I'm going to sleep too.

Valt: Same here.

(Everyone puts their Sleep Masks on except Hannah as everyone sleeps peacefully)

Hannah: Seriously? Um... Hello?

~A Couple Hours Later as Me and Bell come out of the Airport Yawning~

Me: That was a Good Long Sleep. Now we'll be able to totally defeat Free!

Bell: *Grins* The Greek Hero and The Demon King will both defeat Free. 

(We look around but see nobody around)

Me: *Gasps* Where's everyone else?!

Bell: We lost them. *Sighs* I'll try finding them.

(Bell runs off but slams into a Huge Tall Teenager as he gets up dizzily)

???: Are you okay?

Me: *Gasps* Bell!

Bell: Watch where you're going!

???: Are you Bell Daikokuten and is the person next to you Pierce Atsushi?

Bell: So what if we are?!

(The Mysterious Tall Teenager picks Me and Bell up and squeezes the living daylight out of the both of us)

???: I think both of you are amazing!

Me: Let go!!

Bell: Stop hugging me!

(Valt and the others run up to us as we continued to get hugged tightly)

Valt: We finally found them.

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