"I never-"

"You're doing this and that is final, Niall. I will not be made a fool of." His harsh locution was made prominent causing Niall to instantly shut up. The line went dead and I picked my head up from staring at my hands to get a good view of Niall's blank expression.

His eyes closed and his breath steadied. Surprised at the action that followed, I quickly ducked as his phone struck through the air, slamming against the wall across the room and a cry of aggravation left his mouth. I could see the thin, lined hole that was left in the aftermath against the wall from where I sat.

The room was once again silent as he fell back onto the couch, pulling the blanket over his face. One of the worst things to ever witness is watching the one you love most hurt and not being able to do anything about it. I didn't know what to say or how to act.

Deciding to not say anything, I simply crawled back under the black, soft comforter with him, moving down to wrap my arms around his waist. My head was buried into his neck and I felt Niall squeeze my body into his as if indicating that he just needed me and was thankful I was here.

"Don't cry, baby." I whispered as I felt a wet drop plop onto my cheek. He didn't say anything for a while, both of us just listening to each others hearts and small breaths emitted into the dead air.

"I'm just never good enough, am I?"


"There's my two love birds!" Harper smiled as she plopped onto the couch across from where Niall and I sat. He hadn't left my side all morning, almost scared and timid as to if I'd vanish into thin air on him. I wasn't going to. I was here for as long as he wanted me.

"How'd you sleep?" I asked, softly stroking Niall's hand. He'd been dead quiet since the phone call, and nothing seemed to changed as he sat idle now, staring at the coffee table.

"Not too bad. I woke up on the floor which was much more uncomfortable than I remembered last night." She chuckled and I smiled. "But man, I can't believe how late everyone slept in."

"You and Ash are actually the last ones up." I laughed. "Everyone else left around noon to go grab a bite to eat."

Harper just rolled her eyes, sinking into the soft vinyl couch. "Well then. Looks like they won't be getting some of Harper's magical hangover cure." She sassed more to herself than to us before she stood and walked to the kitchen.

While she was gone, I took the opportunity to check up on Niall. His silence was oddly scaring me. "Ya okay?" I asked softly, running my hands over the hair around his ear.

His eyes caught mine, the glossy blue reflecting the bright rays of the sun that shone through the large windows. "I'm okay." He whispered and gave the best smile he could muster then lowered his head. I pressed my lips to his, expecting a chaste kiss, but this was anything but. As I went to pull away, Niall was quick to hold my head in his hands, keeping me in place. His tongue parted my lips, causing my mouth to water at the crave for him.

The feeling of his hands running through my hair as he spread it across his lap was enough to send butterflies through me to pick and poke at the insides of my belly with their little, tiny wings.

The touch of my fingers against his jaw caused him to tilt his head to the side, deepening the kiss even more.

It's funny how no two kisses are ever the exact same. Each one holds a different story, different emotion, different feel. It's impossible to compare one to the other. It's like trying to compare a piece of glass with a cloud. It's incomparable. It's something so beautiful and unusual. To me, it's almost as if a kiss is a piece of art. The body is the canvas, the lips are the brushes, and the emotion is the paint. And no matter if you paint the picture once or a thousand times, it will never by the same as the previous. One line, one color, one shape may be out of place, therefore creating not the same picture, but a brand new piece of work.

Frozen (Frat Boy Niall) EDITINGDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora