◓4: Birthday◒

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Gacha version of me, AKA the closest thing you gays are getting to a face reveal until I hit 100 followers- Any-gays lets get into it-

As Shoyo continued his walk home he looked around and appreciated the scenery. This small street always had something new going on, and he loved to be able to spot out what.

As he looked to his left he saw a small boy run past with a party hat on, his small fist full of water balloons. He stopped and watched as five or so kids ran past with Perf guns shooting each other whenever they got a chance. The small square of land had a bouncy house, an inflatable pool with a water slide, and a sign that read "Happy Birthday Rosa!" connected to two trees.

As Hinata was looking at the party a small girl with a pin that read, "Its my special day!" pulled on Shoyo's shirt.

"Hi!" The little girl said, "I'm Rosa! Who are you?"

Hinata crouched down to her level before speaking, "Hi Rosa! I'm Hinata. Is it your birthday?"

The girl gave an excited nod before getting hit in the back with a water balloon. She turned around and pulled a mini water gun out of her pocket and sniped the little boy who shot her.

Hinata blinked at how quick she did this, "So- How old are you turning?"

"I'm turning 7!" She replied happily.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Hinata asked, getting an excited nod in reply, "I'm turning 16 tomorrow."

She bounced up and down before excitedly exclaiming, "Your a big kid! Like my brother!"

Hinata gave her a small "Yep!" In reply, Rosa gave him one last smile before her parents called her and she ran over to a table where her castle shaped cake was being placed.

Hinata gave the birthday party a final smile, and continued on his walk. However, before he got very far he felt another tug on his school uniform.

The little girl, Rosa, was behind Shoyo, a piece of cake with a small candle on it sat on the pink frosting. 

"Happy early birthday!" 

"Thank you!" Hinata replied, taking the cake and a small plastic form from the girl. "I hope you have a good birthday!" Hinata called out as he walked away.

"You too!" Rosa called out.


"You too." Hinata sat in his chair, because despite him wanting to sleep, for some reason those two words seemed to echo in his mind.

Had he ever celebrated his birthday? It was tomorrow yes, and he knew that it should be important. However, his parents, if you could even call then that, never bought him so much as a mini cupcake.

Did he even want to celebrate his birthday? For years it wasn't a big deal. People would talk about their birthdays, but he never had enough friends to even go to them and he never seemed to mind then. But that little girl's party, just seeing how much fun her and her friends were having, he felt strangely aware. Aware of how much of his childhood he had missed. No parties, no sleepovers, no fun family outings. So many things most kids had, that he never got to experience. 

As he sat there on his swivel chair he felt himself begin to doze off. His eyelids grew heavy as the few pills from the new bottle of Lunesta started to work. His eyes closed shut and he fell into a dreamless sleep.


A loud sound jolted him awake, almost falling out of his chair as he sat up a bit too fast. In his half asleep daze he looked for his phone, which was the source of the noise, without getting up from his seat. 

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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