Limping soul

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Joy , Joy, Joy
I'm so super happy .
Note the sarcasm .

Where should I start ?
People say it's best to start at the beginning
but  in my story  there's no beginning

My heart  is secreted  by thorns,
thorns of the past  and the present

The pains and wounds that have penetrated and colonised my heart

The soldiers of my soul retreated even before the war started  .
Why can't I be free from this painful sequence?
Is there something wrong with wanting to get free from the beast that has no mercy or  feelings at all?

I am a human and humans feel pain but my  case is  different because I constantly feel pain,
Why can't sorrows be extinct in my life even for one single hour?

It feels like my  happiness is directly proportional to my sadness,
I tried putting common sense into action but I've failed,
I know life is unfair to everyone but I feel like I'm one of those  few people who were born to suffer

Whenever I'm happy ,I'm scared of even
blinking an eye due to the fear  that my source of happiness will be barren .
I'm afraid  everything that gives me hope will some day vanish.

How I so wish Eve didn't eat the forbidden fruit ,maybe ,just maybe my life wouldn't be like this .


It seems like a solution but I'm scared to end my  story even before I have started my second chapter .

They say life is full of options but in my case there's only  one option .
The only option that could either set me free or imprison my LIMPING SOUL forever.

The only option that could either set me free or imprison my LIMPING SOUL forever

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