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Soobin: I don't even use tubberware anymore.
Lia: What are you saying? Say it again.
Soobin: Tubberware.
Lia: Say it again. Slow.
Soobin: Tubberware.
Lia: Slow, very slow - actually, say the first syllable.
Soobin: Tub.
Lia: Wrong.
Soobin: What do you mean, wrong?
Lia: I thought I caught that. You're saying tub. It's P.
Soobin: What are you talking about?
Lia: Tupperware. Tupper.
Soobin: It's tupper!?
Lia: It's tupper, always has been, always will be.
Soobin: I thought it was tubberware because it kind of looks like a tub.

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