Chapter 3

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Sarmale:hahaahah you thought I'd never update again, huh?

Boris knew what he was supposed to do. Almost. Which was good enough.

He needed a carpet. But he didn't need any carpet, he needed the best one. It's his cousin that he's trying to "help", after all! What the blin!

He had the right person in mind, but... part of Boris was really against it. I mean, who on their right mind wolud want to travel all the way to Romania with neighbour Vadim of all people?!

You see, Vadim isn't a nobody, much to Boris' sadness. He was once a respected influential man in Romania. Which meant he also had relations inside the country. And that was just what Boris needed. Someone who can get him and his cousin to the famous carpet factory from Cisnădie.

'And how exactly do you plan in convincing Vadim come with you? Yeah, Anatoli is not hard to fool, I'd just need some cheese or something. But Vadim? How can I make Vadim come?'

He wasn't worried about who will take care of Artyom, at least. Sergei owed him that much, for all the times he'd asked Boris for a ride in his Lada when he crashed the Moskvich. Plus, he'll bring some vodka with him. Yeah, he had Artyom covered.

As he sat down in front of the TV, an idea striked him: he knew what could make Vadim come with!


Boris just came back from his trip to Romania. He met some really nice gopniks there, definitely gonna visit sometime again. As a goodbye gift, one of them gave him a cassette with cartoons. 'This thing is quite valuable, it's one of the original cassette tapes of Unguru Dublan and Satana Cartoons' masterpieces.'

"Anatoli! Come here, I got some good stuff we can watch tonignt!"
Anatoli yelled an "ok wait I'm cooking some soda!" and came a few minutes later.

They were in the middle of Homalău 2, when they heard a crash at the window and a 'BLYAT ' . They went to the window and looked outside: there was neighbour Vadim, under a ladder that looked like it fell on him.

  "Uhhh you ok?" asked Boris. Vadim didn't reply, and instead took his ladder and ran inside.

Looking back at it, he should have probably think it was a bit strange, but then again, it's Vadim.

At least now he had something to bribe his neighbour with. And it might just work!

Sarmale #2: sorry this is short, but it's hard to type on this tablet.
I promised you I won't abandon this fic and here am I! Writing another chapter! I hope you'll like this one as much as the previous ones, and don't worry, adventure awaits!
On a side note, I can't belive i started writing this back in 7th grade? And now I'm in 9th grade. Time sure flies!
I love you all! And a big, BIG thank you to all of those who sticked to this and had patience with me! Extra potatoes for you guys!🥔🥔🥔🥔🥔

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 04, 2021 ⏰

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