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Log 1, Case 34

"Hello! I don't know how to start this recording but I have been studying the behavior and anatomical structures of objects. I never knew there was so much to learn from on those dumb textbooks in school if I'll be honest. Anyhow, I read a few notes from back then and I want to try to do a small experiment on an object's body. This includes mental stability too since I need objects at their best state when I do some tests on them. I want to try to ask my fellow contestant friends if they want to try! Some are skeptical of my appearance every now and then so I'm sure none of them would agree. Which is why I have made an excellent plan to get them to follow what I say! However, my first subject has to be someone who is almost never that noticeable. I could possibly go for Fan but he and I have 'bonded' for a while and I don't want the poor kid saying some shit outside of lab grounds. Oh, pardon my language. My first target was Nickel at first. He's a hard nut to crack, sure, but I think taking him here to my lab is no big deal, right? He's a small guy, I'm pretty sure he can fit in my duffel bag. Might have to silence him too."

Test Tube strolled around the grass and tried to look for her team. She saw Fan and her face softened. "Hey, Fan! Whatcha up to?" Fan was holding his egg tightly to his chest and smiled at Test Tube. "Hey, Test Tube! What's up?" He stood onto his feet and hugged the green object in front of him. "Oh, nothing. I was just wondering if you might have seen where Nickel went?" She tried to be as normal as possible. However, with Fan's denseness, it was easy to remain the same either way. "Oh yeah! I saw him with Baseball earlier. They were talking by the docks!" Test Tube waved off Fan as a thank you and ran towards the docks quietly.

"You're gonna have to apologize to her, Nickel. She won't exactly take it quickly but at least you apologized." She heard Baseball explain softly and Nickel scoffed next to him. "Oh please. I don't need to do anything for anyone, Baseball. Besides, it was her fault! We couldn't trust Balloon but she-" "WELL IF YOU WANNA THINK THAT WAY, THEN WHY DO YOU TRUST ME?!" Baseball stood to his feet and yelled, making nickel flinch. Baseball huffed and was ready to protest again until Nickel said something. "Baseball, you have shown your trust because... well, you're a good leader and well you have natural instinct. And you're always there for me, right?" Nickel nervously laughed and backed up against a tree as Baseball's shadow loomed over his small body. "You think I don't know that you keep me around all because I agree with you most of the time?" He was angry and with one final huff, he walked away from Nickel.

"B-baseball, wait!" Nickel tried to run after Baseball, but Test Tube quickly tripped him which twisted his ankles. "Urghh! O-ow..." Nickel twitched as he stared at his ankle which snapped in half. He breathed heavily, trying to get up to call for help. His voice was hoarse, probably from the fall. He tried to scream but nothing came out.

In this very second, Test Tube took it as an opportunity to cover his mouth and stuff him into a bag.


"Okay, but since when did I ever say you were messy?" Paintbrush lifted a few sticks and put them on the grass. "You have said it countless times, Painty! And since you did, I wanna prove I'm not a messy person!" Paintbrush snickered at Lightbulb's attempt to sound confident and just shrugged it off. Lightbulb on the other hand wanted to ignore Paintbrush for a while and aimlessly walked around the forest. Her eyes landed on Test Tube who carried a small bag on her way to her lab. Lightbulb gasped in excitement and skipped towards her friend. "Hey there, Testy! What are you doing?" Test Tube flinched at Lightbulb's sudden appearance and hid the bag behind her. "Oh nothing really! I was just heading into my lab to uh do more experiments and studies on a buncha... uh, stuff." Test Tube smiled and her fingers were crossed really hard, hoping Lightbulb would just leave before she could do her business. "Hmm well okay! Tell me if you need anything!" Lightbulb skipped back to Paintbrush and started rambling about crabs for some reason.

In Test Tube's lab stood an elevator which, if you press a specific code, brings you lower into the lower levels of the supposed "building."

Nickel had passed out from suffocation in the bag a few moments before, which made it easier for Test Tube to manage everything. She searched each room to see which one would be perfect for him. "Hmm, floor 34... so... Aha! N-34" She carried him into the room N-34 and tossed his small body inside as his metal figure hit the floor. It was a small room with no doors but a small opening that had a forcefield that covered the entire entrance and glowed a bright blue, the only light that lit up the small room. It wasn't so blurry to see from the inside, only that everything you see comes off in a blue color. There was nothing in the room but a small mattress and a pillow on the floor.

Test Tube walked to her office on that same floor which she had cleared the day before kidnapping Nickel and looked through her drawers and found a tattoo needle, a device that looked kind of like a gun, and a small sphere-like item. She strolled back into the room to, unfortunately, find Nickel standing on both of his feet and wide awake. The forcefield provided a way for people inside the room to not see anything outside but a mere blur or to mute outside noises from the room which both is what Test Tube did before leaving for her office.

She tapped a few buttons so the forcefield can create a small hole big enough for only her to pass through. "I see you are awake, Nickel." She kept the three items in the pocket of her lab coat and slowly approached him. Nickel did a low growl and his foot cracked, his mouth releasing a pained cry as his body hit the floor again. "Don't try to stand, you'll only damage it more-" "Where the hell am I?!" He panted and sweated a bit even if it was about -20 degrees in the room due to how low they are into the ground.

"Why, I'm glad you asked. You're in my lab. I wanted to try some experiments but I didn't know how to start with so, I went for you." Test Tube smiled warmly at him and grabbed his body and placed his front view onto the floor. "O-ow! Hey! Let go of me, you stupid bitch!" He screamed and struggled in her grip, but she was way stronger than he had imagined. She placed the sphere into the gun-like device and pointed it at his back. "Woah! Okay, okay! Fuckin hell, okay okay I'll shut up!!" He panted more and stayed still.

Test Tube could only snicker as she pulled the trigger, the sphere shooting deep inside Nickel's body but not killing or hurting him as much. "W-wha- huh? You're telling me that gun doesn't even shoot bullets? The fuck?" He tried to chuckle, but Test Tube stepped on his face and placed him onto the ground once more. "It's a device I put into you. I have control over it, it's like Bluetooth if you will. If I press a single button on my remote here, your body will explode." She explained, showing off the remote in front of him. He moved a portion of his body to see the remote and his eyes dilated. "Huh?! What's this about, Test Tube? Do you have some kinda grudge or something because I'm your opponent? H-huh?!?! Answer me!!" He stuttered as his ankle stung even more.

"I'm just keeping you here to experiment on you!" She smiled at him, holding him down with one hand and the other picking up the tattooing device and it started to vibrate, gently poking at Nickel's back with ink. "O-OW WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT?! S-STOP, IT HURTS!! AAHHH!!" Test Tube focused on writing with the permanent ink, ignoring Nickel's screams of pain.

After some time, the ink became dry and the entire thing was written on his back beautifully. It read...

"N-34, stand." Test Tube commanded as she got off of Nickel. Nickel was confused from the name, but he didn't care, he just wanted to get out of wherever the hell he is.

"You... bitch..." Nickel shook in one place in anger and tried to go after Test Tube who was able to get out of the room quickly and close up the forcefield. Nickel tried banging on the forcefield, but it was no use. It didn't break.

At one point, he gave up yelling swears and banging on the forcefield. He sat down on the available mattress there and sighed. "Fucking dammit. I hope you can find me, Baseball. You're the only one on the team that isn't a damned idiot."

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