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Ranboos pov:

We sat at the table with tubbos friends, most of them look like the  drawings tubbo made in class earlier.

One had pink hair and wore a black jacket, white shirt, and jeans.

The second one was Wilbur. He had a yellow sweater with just plan jeans.

Tommy I meet earlier in science, he wore a red and white shirt with jeans.

We all talked till the bell rang, me and tubbo had the same classes so we walked to social studies.

When we got there we, sat next to each other. We talked tell the teacher started talking.

20 minutes later the teacher was finally done talking. We had a project we had to do and I don't remember. He said we could team up with one other person or be alone.

Techno was next to tubbo so I thought tubbo would be technos partner, but tubbo turned to Me, "hey, would you want to be my partner for the project" " sure, I just thought you would be being partners with techno" "No, he normally works alone" "oh"

"What do you want to do the project on?" Tubbo said "i don't know really you pick"

"How about.....hatshepsut"

Time skip to after school

Still ranboos pov:

When walking out of school and heard someone zhoild my name.

I turned around to see tubbo up to me.
"Hey ranboo...do you walk or drive"

"Oh I walk" "right or left" "left"
"Thats cool i walk the same way, do you want to walk together" "sure"

"How far is your walk" "about 5 mins or so" "how about you tubbo" "about 7 minutes"

After that we walk in silence for a minute tell tubbo spoke "hey ranboo" "ya" "would you like to go to my house and do are project" "sure let me just text and tell my parents" "okeydokey"
At tubbos

"Don't worry ypu don't have to meet anyone, mu sister is at school tell 4 because of a club and both of my parents are at work" "oh, ok"

'When I walked into tubbos room, it was bright and colorful, but I liked it'

"So do you want to do the drawing part of the project or essay" "ummmm... essay your wag better drawer and you seem to enjoy drawing" "thank you,and let me just boot up my pc" "ok" "i'll get suntructen paper out my back pack"

""There"" we both said

I sat down on tubbos gameing chair and stated the project
Tubbos pov:

I just got done with my hatshepsut drawings and things to match the essay part u guess

I walk over to ranboo he was almost down but he had done alot
No ones pov:

"Thats a lot bossman" "eh and done" " good and is'nt this do in 5 days" "ya" " oh well"

"Do you want to watch somethings?" "Sure"

"What do you want to watch" tubbo said "i dont really care" "ok what about south park?" "Sure"
Ranboos pov:

We walked over to tubbos bed, u sat on the ege so i wasn't invading tubbos personal space even though I love cuddling but I don't have that with tubbo 😅

We were about 5 minutes into the show

"You ok bossman you look like your going to fall of the bed,,, come here" I moved closer to him tell tubbo was basically in my arms, but I liked it, he was warm and soft and I wanted to stay like this forever but I couldn't

I got I text so I grabbed my phone and saw a text from my dad

"Oh no" "What bossman" "sorry I got to get home, thank you for having me over, I hope I can come over again soon"
I grabbed everything, I thought

I got outside I realized I forgot my jacket but I didn't really care.
Tubbos pov:

Ranboo rushed out the door before I could say bye, but I hope he's OK and nothings bad happened

I walked up stairs to my bed and say ranboos jacket. I did what anyone would of done

I took his jacket and but it on. It was soft, warm, and it smelt like him.

I couldn't wait to see him tomorrow. And ask what happened.
Next post: soon

Words: 725

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