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Ranboo's pov:

I woke up to my loud alarm. I got up and turn it off, I realized it was 7 and school starts at 8.
I went to the bathroom and turned on the shower.
I got undressed as I looked at the bruises on my body, I decided to ignore them and get in the shower.

I took around a 15 minute shower, I got out and get cloths to change into and brushed my teeth. I put my shoes on and grabbed my backpack makeing sure every thing was in it.

I then grabbed my phone off the charger and walked out of my bedroom and I made sure I was quiet.

I saw my dad and my stepmom and the couch passed out.
I grabbed my lunch and left the house.

I decided I didn't want breakfast because I wasn't that hungry.
The walk to school was around 5 to 10 minutes depending on if I walk fast or not.

I got to school and when I walked in every one was staring at me, it was always like that though, but it's only mostly because of I'm freakishly tall and always where sun glasses and a mask.

But I was new so I didn't have anyone to help me find my way to the office. But eventually I found the office and knocked on the door, I was then told to come in and when I did I saw a girl with long straight hair with a suit on and a smaller boy with brown fluffy hair, with a sweater and jeans on.

"Hi I'm mis. Puffy but you can call me puffy","hi" i said.

"You the new student ranboo beloved, right?" She spoke again

"Yes I am"

"OK perfect timing, this is tubbo underscore and he will be helping you today because you have all the same classes" puffy said

"Hi, nice to meet you" tubbo said standing up to shake my hand

I shook his hand but, something was off I just met this guy and I feel safe with a simple hand shake. I brushed it off though.

Then puffy said to get heading to class. We both nodded and left the teachers office.

"It nice to meet you but I just got to say that your SUPER tall" tubbo said "I get that alot" I rubbed the back of my neck

"What class do we have first?" I ask tubbo "we have science, which is not that bad but the teacher gives a lot of projects to do" he said back "oh, ok thats still fine because most science projects are fun" I said "ya, and we are here" he said opening the door.

I walk in as he followed behind. The teacher walked up to me and ask if I was the new student as I said yes she told me to interdiction my self. Tubbo was already siting down at a desk.

The students stopped talking and looked at me. "Hi I'm ranboo" "hi ranboo" the students gave a low-toned voice back to me.

The teacher told me to go sit in between Tommy and tubbo, so I did, I walked up to the desk and sat down, even though every one was staring at me.

The teacher was teaching her boring lesson. I look over at tubbos paper and it have drawings of animals and people on it, they where really good drawings to.

Tubbos pov:

I look up to see ranboo staring at me "what you staring at" I said "nothing just your really good at drawing, like really good" he responded "thank you" I blushed a little because know one has ever said that to me before

Time skipped to lunch

Ranboos pov:

I left are English class as I realized tubbo was following me. He walked up to me and ask  "would you want to sit with me and my friends at luch" "sure"i said back.

Sorry, cliff hanger

Next chapter,  Nov 5, 2021

Words: 677

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