It's Only a Pretend Kiss

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"Maria, time to get up."

Maria grimaced. She turned around and covered herself with her blankets.

"Come on, you said you wanted to get up early. Your breakfast will get cold." He pulled the covers off her.

"Please just 15 more minutes," she pleaded.

"You need to study,"

Maria glowered but finally gave in. She stretched and sat up. "Is something burning"

"Shit the eggs!"

Robin ran out with Maria slowly trudging behind. They fell back into place that morning. The awkwardness of last night was gone, as though it never happened. However, Maria did notice a small change. Though he was back to his carefree self, he'd linger around her. When he passed by her, he'd put his hand on the small of her back. When he handed her a plate, his fingertips graced her hands. When she cracked her neck, he offered her a massage.

As he was massaging her back, a skype call came through. The profile picture was of a blonde man with a strong jaw and crystal blue eyes.

"Bill? Bill? What kind of name is that?" Robin asked with a look of disgust. "And how convenient, another blonde, and let me guess—another rugby player?"

"Nope, hockey, and as if you have any right Roh-bin." Maria playfully shoved him away. "Bill's German and my study partner. We're quizzing each other before the exam."

Robin rolled his eyes but left her alone. She put on her headphones so he couldn't hear much of the conversation, though judging from her answers, they were indeed studying. The couple of times she laughed, he made it a point to walk behind her, pretending to be busy with something.
"Oh no, he's just my friend." He heard Maria say. Robin scowled, that bloke was definitely trying to get at her.

Right before her exam, she complained to Robin about being tired and wished she could nap the exam away. He gave her a hug and kissed her head as he gently pushed her into her room. "You'll do great," he said with a two-finger salute as he closed the door behind her, leaving her a bewildered and fluttery mess. In the company of silence, Robin went into the kitchen and took out the large box of beets. He had work to do.

"I'm free!" Maria shouted as she burst out of her room a couple of hours later.

Robin slid a freshly baked chocolate cake onto the table. It had a shiny glaze topped with blackberries.

"Wow, what's all this?"

"Dunno, I was bored. Reckoned we could celebrate you finishing up your exam. Guess what it's made out?"

"What?" Maria narrowed her eyes suspiciously.

"Beets," Robin said smugly.

Though she could taste the faint flavor of vegetables, she was surprised by how good the cake was.

"I guess no one can 'beet' me when it comes to being the complete package," Robin declared proudly.

"A pun?" Maria raised her brow. "And what did we say about that ego?"

Robin leaned in. "It's well earned," he said with a wink.

They ate their cake and drank plenty of Maria's wine while watching old movies. Maria even brought out her bow and showed him how to hold it. As he stood strong and tall with her bow, she hated to admit that his ego was indeed well earned. It was the most fun either of them had all throughout covid. Robin thought to himself that being stuck in a flat with her was actually not bad at all. She'd be the only one he would want to be stuck with.

Dear Maria, Count Me In (The Secret of Moonacre AU Fanfiction)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora