You nodded slowly, suddenly feeling a tight feeling in your chest. Oh, right. You had to go home eventually. Just a week ago that would have been a relief to think about, but just this one boy was changing your mind on what you wanted to do so much.

He smiled, but it looked weaker than his other ones and his usual droopy eyes seemed to be even more down. "What's after that? What is next in your big plans?"

"I'm not sure," you answered honestly. "I really need to start thinking about college and where I want to go for that."

    "Hmm, college," he hummed. "I think I want to go to some far off land and leave everything behind."

    You laughed a little bit. "It seems like we have the same exact idea then."

    "Just another thing we have in common it seems, hm?" he asked with his usual smile back on his face. "So, is there any one country in particular you would like to end up in?"

    Your face twisted in thought before you placed your brush to the canvas to add that one last detail it needed. "I'm not sure. I really just want to see it all."

    He didn't respond right away. It took so long for him to respond, in fact, that you turned to make sure he was still there. When he wasn't sitting on his seat, you raised your eyebrow in confusion and looked around. You met his eyes when you looked a bit upwards and found him looking at you from above your canvas. "Jesus, Tendou," you said as you jumped a bit. "What are you doing?"

    "It's time to get cleaned up," he said simply, grabbing the brush out of your hand. "Lemme help out, you're a bit behind."

    You laughed as you watched him, already with a bunch of your used things, ask for your permission for him to help out again. "I don't think you're actually trying to get my approval. You've already made the choice."

    "Just trying to help of course," he smiled as he walked away.

    It wasn't long before all of the supplies was cleaned off of both of your stations. Now it was just a waiting game for the bell. You turned to look at the clock to see how much longer you had, and as you turned around, you felt hands wrap around your waist and a head placed on your shoulder. "You don't think I jumped the gun a little the other day, right?" he asked in a whisper.

    "What do you mean?" you asked, turning your head slightly to look into his eyes.

    "I mean what I said," he answered softly. "I just want to make sure you don't think I was rushing anything when I kissed you."

    Your cheeks broke out into a blush as he said that. "Of course you didn't. I wanted you to-"

    He lifted his head off of your shoulder as your voice drifted off mid sentence. He gave your shoulder one last squeeze as he smiled at you. "You wanted me to what?"

    You rolled your eyes as you turned away back to the clock. "You know what I mean."

    He used that hand that was on your shoulder to rotate you just enough that your face was in front of his and the next moment you felt his lips on yours. You didn't even have time to close your eyes before he leaned away again, the smirk still on his lips. "To do that?"

    You nodded just as the bell rung signaling that it was time for lunch. He used his hand on your shoulder to guide you to turn around the other way and moved his arm to rub on your arm, sitting on top of your shoulders. He pushed you forward towards the hallway, still holding you. "Te-Tendou?" you asked, which made him lean down his head so he could hear you more clearly. "What are you doing?"

    "Tell me if it's too much, but," he said, talking into your ear. "I just wanna show you off a little."

    Your chest swelled with a feeling you had never really felt before. "No, that's okay. Continue, please."

    He smiled, but hadn't moved his head back up yet. "Can we go back to my dorm for lunch?" he asked.

    Now your heart was pounding. Every pump only made that warm feeling grow stronger and stronger, and you felt like your cheeks were getting hotter and hotter, too. You leaned your head over to whisper into his ear, "I would love that."

    The stares in the hallway didn't feel as scary as they usually did. Maybe because there was something else for them to look at. It wasn't only you all by yourself, you had someone amazing at your side. Someone who had changed your life so quickly.

    You had never even considered that your kiss was him was a bit fast, all you knew was that you had wanted it and when he said the words asking permission to finally do the thing that had been at the back of your head, you took the opportunity. Only two weeks you had known this boy, but here he was holding onto you as he guided through the halls as if you were precious cargo.

    Your lips still burned where his had touched yours, and the anticipation burning in you from just being able to be alone with him anywhere was welling up in you. You had never found yourself so completely infatuated with someone so quickly, but it really didn't feel scary. How could it when he was holding you so tight?

    As you exited the building to make the small walk across the center of campus to the dorm rooms, he moved his arm from around you and instead took your hand in his. He walked with a little skip that made you laugh as you were forced to catch up. "There it is!" he declared as he looked at you and sung a little song.

    "What?" you asked.

    "Your smile!" he said, humming as he touched your nose quickly. "That smile that I love so much!"

    You couldn't stop yourself from laughing as you heard those words. "Really?"

    "Oh, yes!" he said as he sped up again. "More than anything. Now, let's hear it again!"

    He sped up as his hand moved upward to bring yours with it. He spun you around as he led and you found yourself laughing uncontrollably in joy as he did. "Yep! There we go!" he laughed back.

    Just as quickly as you found yourself thinking more and more about him, he seemed to learn exactly what you needed in every moment and exactly how to make you feel any way. From the gifts to the dates to the small moments, he was always right on top of it.

    He read you like a book, but you really didn't mind. He had said it himself that he knew that he was off-putting to others for that exact reason, but you wanted to tell him over and over forever how much you loved it. It was okay for him to know you through and through despite not knowing each other for very long.

    It didn't matter what wall you had, you wanted him to break it. How could this boy twirling you in circles ever have any bad intentions?

 How could this boy twirling you in circles ever have any bad intentions?

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i really drop my name and then dip sorry sorry sorry

my name's Mae by the way :) it's nice to meet all of you again

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