Chapter 9

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Strangely enough, right after your kiss you and Tendou went back to acting exactly the same

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Strangely enough, right after your kiss you and Tendou went back to acting exactly the same. As if your lips weren't a bit swollen and your heart rates weren't a bit faster than normal.

He helped you to get your art stuff fully cleaned up before he left again. You called out to him right before he left, "Wait, Tendou!"

He turned back. "Hmm?" he hummed.

"What's your dorm number? I want to be able to find you, too," you said with a smile.

He shook his head for a moment. "Come knocking and you might run into my roommate first. Maybe it's better if I find you."

"Your roommate?" you asked.

"A teammate," he answered. "He's a bit odd, but you should meet him eventually, just not by barging into his room. He'll say and do nothing the entire time, but it would be nice for you two to talk."

You laughed at his comment. "Just give me the number so I can know. I'll always wait here for you if you really want me to."

He finally answered your question and it made you realize where he was headed every time he disappeared down that hallway. That was right before he did again.

The next day at school, during your favorite class where you got to see your favorite boy, you had asked Tendou if he had a game like he did last Friday, but he just shook his head.

"No," he answered, his voice a little sad. "We don't have many games outside of our tournaments, last week was a special case."

"So, I have to wait a while to see you play again?" you asked, your voice a bit sad without you even trying to make it so.

He turned to smile at you from behind his easel. Most days during this class period your teacher actually left the two of you alone. She simply stated that she trusted the two of you to not be idiots, so it kept you from having to keep your conversation from being filtered at all.

"You like watching me play that much, hm?" he asked, with wink.

You nodded. "Actually, I do. I really do."

He laughed to himself a bit before letting out a hum. "I wish that my coach wasn't so stingy about people watching our practices. I could bring you along with me so you could see me more."

"When's one of those tournaments you talk about?" you asked. "I can wait for one of those."

He smiled, but the happy expression quickly left his face. You grimaced a bit as you wondered why the joy would leave him so quickly. "They're not for a while. By the time one of the good ones comes around you'll- Well, you won't-"

"Be here?" you asked, filling in his blanks as he struggled to find the words.

"Your exchange is a semester, right?" he asked, putting his brush down and turning in his chair to look at you.

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