Chapter 2

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If I had known there would be nothing but chaos and arguing in the war room I would have eaten first. 

The war room was filled with many voices of yelling and arguing. Isaac, Hector and myself are chosen to plan our attacks and strategies but as most vampires seem to be having a hissing fit about not getting their way. 

"Godbrand do you ever fucking shut up! I do not care for your plans or any other vampires plans. We are working on a way so that we do not constantly throw our hordes out willy nilly like a bunch of dumbass children" I yelled, stepping up to the vampire who only growled in annoyance. 

We were too busy arguing at we hadn't even notice our Lord making his way to his throne, Myself and Godbrand has already grabbed one another and went to throw punches when he roared "I said..I said Cease!" he spoke louder finally, his voice like a crack of thunder, vibrating the room. His eyes locked on Godbrand and I, his glare deepening making the Viking toss me into Hectors side who looked at me carefully. I mumbled an "i'm fine" before the door creaked open and the silence stilled. 

A woman walked in with winter white long hair and her heels clicking against the stone ground All our eyes followed her as she stopped only feet from the counts throne. I looked at Godbrand as he had his shit eating grin on his face, I squinted at him but focused back on the woman. 

"I am Carmilla. I am come from far Styria to join the war council" she gave Dracula a bow as he sat in his chair and placed his head on his fist. So this was Carmilla, I had only heard her name a few chances but I must admit she is definitely not what I thought she'd look like. 

"Your presence was requested some time ago, Carmilla if Styria" he raised a brow in Carmilla's direction as she straightened up. "Indeed. But your castle keep moves around and with such nightly vampire generals advising you and prosecuting your war, what use must you have possibly had for a regional ruler?" She spoke with a small bow but something in her voice sounded almost mockery. 

" and yet, my lord. Your forces are repelled from a single city-state. Your generals are in disarray. So I feel that, perhaps, it's time to offer my insight to your great cause" she bowed her head as Dracula raised a single dark eyebrow in her direction."And what insights have you, Carmilla?" He asked. Carmilla gave a small smirk before she spoke " why was this new wife of yours never turned?" 

The room went dead still, you could almost hear your heartbeat as the well wanted question was finally spoken. I glanced at Isaac as we shared the same look at one another. We watched as the Lords sclera turned blood red. I gulped and grabbed Hectors sleeve out of habit, something I had long since had since I was picked up by the lord. 

"What did you say?" He spoke with venom. "You married, has a child and yet you not make her a vampire. Why was that? Were you simply keeping a human Pet?" She smiles as she spoke, basically mocking Dracula. The counts hand clenching his thrones and rest. "And if so, why is Vampire society going to war with the world over it". Dracula stood up and glared at Carmilla, his fists clenched at his sides " I will speak to you alone. Attend me" he said and walked off.

I let out a breath I hadn't realized I was holding as I let go of Hector who sent a kind smile my way. "if you gentlemen do not mind, I have some business to attend in my shop" I spoke softly and walked towards my own shop

(just a little time skip)

I used my sickle to turn the bodies I was given into the night creatures, I sent the one I just finished with the others before looking down at the next body and glaring. The man was someone from my old village, his eyes were scrapped out of his skull and a chunk of his hand was missing. 

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