Chapter 7

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Leah POV

I could tell something was going on with Jordyn. I feel like she's the type of person who likes to keep everything thing and just deals with their problems by themselves because she don't want to make her problems anybody else.

I don't want to push her into telling me, but then again I don't want to make her feel worse because I know that she is hiding something. I feel like she don't know how to deal with her emotions so she either keep them to herself or she let them out on other people. So I'm gonna be the older person here and let her stay for how long she wants I know I have been mean to her and not getting her enough attention but I don't know her like that and even if I ask her question she don't full give me an answer.

I also wanna find about why she in LA with these people and like where is her mom. I might ask her later on but for today I'm just gonna leave her alone and let her be until she wants to tell me. But I might ask her a question I don't know yet.

Jordyn POV

Im in Leah's guess room laying on the bed. " Jordyn food is ready!" I heard Leah yell from downstairs. Ugh I don't wanna eat but I'll go down and be polite I guess.

I went downstairs, at first I got lost because I don't know my way around here she didn't give me a house tour so I gave myself one by getting lost. Once i finally got to the kitchen. Not gonna lie, Leah got taste this house is decorated amazingly. "Your food is on the table love." I went to the table sat down and then everybody else sat down and started talking and eating and I was just staring at my food. "Are you not gonna eat?" Leah asked "I'm not hungry" I say looking at my food still not giving her eye contact. "Try and eat something. I don't want you to starve" I finally looked up and everybody was staring at me. I felt my cheeks go red and my breathing started to get unease.

I didn't know what was happening to me.



Sorry that this one was short😬

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2021 ⏰

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