running with the wind

Start from the beginning

After awhile, Derek fell asleep with the light from the half moon shining on his face.


Derek heard the snap of a twig, and shot up in bed. Three sets of footsteps: one human, one Beta, one Alpha. This was it, then. They’d found him, just like Derek had suspected. He’d just expected it to be later in the day.

Derek glanced at his watch. It was almost noon. So, they were the ones on time. Derek had overslept. Must have been more exhausted than he realized.

Derek slowly walked to the door as the other Pack approached. They stopped outside the cabin, no doubt hearing Derek waiting inside. A minute passed, then another, before Derek squared his shoulders and opened the door.

The three men waiting on him were not what he expected.

There was the sheriff – the Alpha, Derek corrected himself – standing on the right. He was dressed in his uniform, gun and all. The one flanking the left was darker skinned, with a mop of dark hair and dark eyes. In the middle was a tall, lanky guy with a mess of brown hair on top of his head. His eyes gave Derek pause; they were the most beautiful eyes he had ever seen, bright and sharp like a polished stone of amber.

The Beta and the human were young, not even twenty. Derek had expected his welcoming party to be more…intimidating. Still, he refused to relax just yet.

“Alpha Stilinski,” Derek addressed the older man. The three exchanged a glance; Derek seemed to be missing something.

“Son, I think you’re confused,” Alpha Stilinski responded. Derek’s eyebrows drew together in confusion.

“That’d be me.” The one in the middle stepped forward, his hand raised slightly, those beautiful eyes bleeding a bright shade of red. Derek’s burned blue in response as he looked down.

That was the Alpha? But…that didn’t make any sense. He was a kid. Derek inhaled, and now that he knew what he was looking for, he felt ignorant for his mistake. Father and son, one human, one wolf. That’s why he’d mixed up the scents, that’s why he’d assumed the boy was a human. He’d come here thinking the Sheriff was the Alpha, and their scents were so intermingled they almost smelled the same. Standing so close together without Derek actively focusing…he was a fool.

This is why Laura is dead, he told himself. You’re a foolish Omega. It’s only time before your foolishness gets you killed.

“I’m Stiles,” the boy spoke finally. “Alpha of this territory.” Derek lifted his eyes, the Alpha back to looking like an awkward teenager. “This is my dad, the sheriff of the territory. Which is kinda like an Alpha of its own, which is kinda confusing and a pain in the ass sometimes.”

The sheriff sighed in irritation, not enough for a human to notice, but enough for Derek to notice. Derek was caught off-guard by, well, everything. If this was intimidation, it was the weirdest intimidation he’d ever faced.

The Alpha, Stiles he’d called himself, watched Derek closely, his eyes never wavering. Derek didn’t look him in the eyes, but it was difficult. He just wanted to stare into them like some twelve year old with a crush. His wolf was threatening to sing poetry about the Alpha’s eyes. It was embarrassing. The exhaustion was obviously getting to him. He just hoped the Alpha couldn’t read Derek’s thoughts through his scent.

“You don’t talk much, do you?” Stiles tilted his head to the side. Other than the red eyes, it was the only time Derek could start to see the wolf instead of someone who just hit puberty. “And your expression is quite sour.” Derek tried not to glare, but it didn’t work very well. It just seemed to amuse the Alpha. “What are you doing here, sour wolf?”

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