"Ok, but just so you know I'm staying with you just to make sure your ok."

"I wouldn't expect anything less from you" He said squeezing my hand.

"Oh I have the clothes you needed." 

"Thanks, I'm going to need help though" He with a smirk.

"Help?" I say while having a mini heart attack for the 2nd time today.

"Yeah help, when I sit up I get a headache so I'm gonna need your help" He said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Ok, what do you want off?" I day trying not to seem flustered.

"Everything" He said smirking once again.

"Ok, let's start with your jersey and shoulder pads, that has to be uncomfortable."

After getting his jersey and shoulder pads off he thankfully leaves his compression shirt on or else I would be drooling over his muscles since he has been working out more and his abs are getting more defined.

Now came the hard part, getting his football pants off.

After we get the pants off leaving him in his compression shorts, I try my best not to look at his crotch, so I turn to get the bag with his clothes in it. 

Throwing the bag at him, he pulls a blanket over his lower half of his body that the nurse gave, so he can change into his clothes.

"You can look now, I'm not naked anymore" He said still smirking.

"Shut up" I said flipping him off.

After awhile his mom came back with his pain killers and it was time to get him home. 

The doctor said it's a mild concussion, exactly like Josh said, and he just needs to take it easy. He can't go back to football for ten to fourteen days, which I think he should be out longer since he passed out, but Josh reassured me that it's normal and he's had this happen to him before at his old school.


For the first two days when he has to rest, I'm like his shadow, he keeps telling me I don't have to wait on him hand and foot, but I continue to ignore his comments and help him out, I convince him by telling him I'm his servant since he beat me in 2K13 a month ago, and he never cashed that in yet, so that seems to shut him up for the time being. 

Unfortunately with Josh on the injured list, the team started to lose. Luckily he's able to recuperate just in time for the homecoming game, and that's where I am currently screaming my head off at the refs for making a bad call on Josh.

I'm wearing our school colors, grey, light blue, and white and I have Josh's number painted on my checks along with his jersey.

"Come on asshole! You know he had the first down!" I said screaming at the refs who are blind as a bat, while Mrs. Parker is next to me yelling the same thing. Luckily Josh makes a great play and we're right at the 10 yard line.

Holding my breath I watch the clock, there's ten seconds, so Josh has to make a smart play. 

Josh calls blue fifty five meaning he's calling the same play that ended up with him getting a concussion, so I immediately hold my breath and Mrs. Parker feels the same way since she reaches over to hold my hand.

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