"I hate you guys"

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Deku POV:
Tightly grabbing onto the door knob I opened the door & walked into the room like I never heard anything until I spoke
"I heard your conversation. Now" I clapped my hands together & put on a REAL smile
"Lets talk shit abt me who wants to go first?" I pointed at anyone

Bakugo POV:
"Lets talk shit about me who wants to go first" the damn neard was pointing at everyone Todoroki raised his hand up
"Alright. Go Todoroki I'll go next" he pointed straight directly at him

Todoroki POV:
Midoryia pointed at me saying that he will go next
"Your a crybaby you cry to much & that smile is just-" I pretended to puke up I saw nods around me.
"Nice! I liked it" he happily gave a thumbs up

Deku POV:
"I guess its my time now!" My tears was starting to stream down my face. But I held them back
"I'm useless, I'm a crybaby, I'm quirkless" I started counting down all the things that I knew from the past
"Oh! And how could I forget~? I'm a faggot for being gay" starting to cry a bit.
"I HATE YOU GUYS SO MUCH! YOUR ALWAYS DODGING ME!! TALKING SHIT ABOUT ME SAYING I'M A FAGGOT FOR BEING FUCKING GAY no wonder sensei-Aizawa calls you guys problem children cause you guys are one" I finished my conversation with their eyes open.
"I hate you guys" was my final last words.

Momo POV: (Wasn't expecting that huh?)
I was speechless about what Izuku said. His tears were already streaming doqn his face but he held them back
"I hate you guys" was his final last words before leaving to his dorm. Everyone was speechless none of them dared to speak we all looked at eachother wondering what the fuck just happened.

Izuku POV:
I returned back to the Common room & looked directly at the gold-digger
"Momo. Before I leave so you know how your parents are working for my dad Hisashi Midoryia?" I still looked at her directly in the eyes.
She nodded
"The deals off & Bakugo we're over. Plus don't call me 'Deku' ever again". I took the elevator to my floor & ran to my dorm.

Word Count: 364

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