Comfortable Silence

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Comfortable Silence

"You're going to leave me to do this work and take this entire week off as paid vacation, or you're going to have to allow me to force you to take an entire month off of work, paid as well."

Those were the last words that Charlie said to him before she basically dragged him out of the mechanic store. It's at times like this that he wishes he had someone else as his boss, but at the same time, it wouldn't be very nice to return to someone other than Charlie every day.

Genev shook his head, trying to get those thoughts out of his mind. He was supposed to be upset, but right now, he didn't have any energy to be. He knew something like this would happen sooner or later, and it was on him for not taking a few days off before the doberman did that.

He now had a whole week free, and it was barely past noon. There wasn't much to do for him. He didn't want to go back to his apartment, where he felt invisible to all his roommates due to his inability to make noise, unless of course, when one of them needs him to cover their part of the rent for the month. His only other option was to roam around.

And he decided to do just that. The wolf hugged his jacket a little closer to himself as he walked across the street.

It was a pretty chilly autumn afternoon, which was to be expected anyways. It was just past Halloween too, so there were still a few decorations around, like the few stores that still have the little stickers and stuff up.

He was walking through the street, when he unknowingly came across a cafe, one that he recognized once he looked up at the sign. He wasn't really paying attention to what he was doing, so he didn't expect his legs to carry him over here, but he wasn't complaining.

He decided to pay it a visit and entered the cafe, the bell jingling above as he did. It was nice little addition that they added recently, giving it a bit of a more welcoming demeanour.

He went ahead and took an empty table by the window, giving him a clear view of the street. He was looking out of it, his eyes counting the number of people walking by when he was suddenly tapped on the shoulder, making him turn around. His hands were instinctively ready to give an apology for not paying attention before he saw who it was.

An akita was standing there, dressed in the work apron of the cafe. His droopy eyes widened a little as he realised the dog. The akita smiled down at the small wolf once he was sure he had his attention.

"Hey there Gen! I wasn't expecting you to come in at this time, seeing how you're always busy with work. Did you get forced to take today off or something? Or did you just decide to take a day off for once?" The akita asked, still having a small grin on his face.

The wolf moved his hands around before remembering that Haru didn't know sign language. He was about to motion for a notebook to write on when the dog nodded. "Well, I was expecting that to happen. I would have done the same to you if I were your boss. It's not healthy to keep working like that every day." He chuckled before he saw the surprised look on the lupine's face. "What? Is something wrong?"

The wolf flashed his arms about again, this time at an exciting pace. "When.... When did I learn... ASL?" The akita repeated, his head tilting a little. The wolf nodded rapidly, his still-droopy eyes looking intently at Haru. "Oh! I'm um... still learning ASL! I started recently though, I just wanted to learn to communicate with you without the need of writing, heh..." He said, a blush slowly creeping on his face as he scratched his head nervously.

The wolf just looked at him, surprised. He wasn't expecting Haru, who only knew him for a month, to want to pick up ASL for him. Hell, he didn't expect anyone around him to want to pick up ASL at all, let alone for him. A blinding smile took over his face when he was able to grasp the idea that someone cared enough to learn how to sign for him, his tail wagging excitedly behind him. His cheeks grew warm as well, though not very noticeable.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2021 ⏰

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