The Third Battle of Geonosis

Start from the beginning

She Immediately hit buttons on her wrist com. 


I watched as every battle droid fell to the ground shutting down.



Out of all the high tech encrypted codes you could've used... and I'm not saying he wasn't a bitch. Trust me most of us just tolerated him because he was on the council but why?

Would you have guessed it? 

No.. I would've assumed it was a series of numbers and letters.


That's not the point I was trying to make..

Wait a minute... if the droid army was shut down and the separatist leaders were all killed... and the Geonosians are missing... who activated these droids? I asked

Good question... and I don't really know. She answered.

Well... I think we should find out. They are your droids after all 


Question. Did that signal from your wrist com shut all of them down?

Any droids that were produced in this factory will shut down at the mention of the emergency deactivation code. She said whilst pushing buttons on her wrist com opening the doors to the factory.

Is there anything that wrist com can't do?  I asked.

That's not a long list. She concluded.

Figures. I drew my light sabers igniting the blades in an attempt to illuminate the darkness.

I don't know why your doing that. I can see just fine. She inquired.

Most of us weren't brought up in a cave Jess. 

I.. YOU... ya know what that's fair. She admitted.

My laugh resounded threw the tunnel we were in. Eventually we made it threw the tunnel that lead to the main forging room that was the factory. To my surprise some parts of it was running. 

Who ever is running this place is not doing that good of a job. She proclaimed.

Its making droids is it not? I inquired.

Yeah it is but its only working at about 10% capacity. Normally I would have it running at 100 % capacity.

Okay we need to find out who is running this place. If you were to be running this place where would you be? I asked.

Probably the main office. It's where everything is controlled from.

Okay lets go.

We walked threw the forging room. Towards the back and up the stairs that presumably lead to the office. To my surprise there was a Geonosian drone at one of the many computer screens he immediately drew a blaster and aimed it at us. I immediately hid my light sabers in my cloak putting my hands in the air  to my surprise Jess started speaking Geonosian.

She made a series of clicking noises and lip smacking at the drone. He immediately put away his weapon and hugged Jess.

Jess what did you say? And why is he hugging you?

I just introduced myself and said we were here to help. She explained.

Oh okay.. um can you ask him where his people are? Or what happened to them?

She once again started speaking Geonosian to the drone.  She went wide eyed and started glaring at me. she drew her lightsaber and aimed it at me. 


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