chapter three

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Matheo pov

A little while later we arrived at the station
At hogsmeade my so called friend's where
Being bullied again by
Pushing first years eventually they pushed a kid so far he fell
He bursted into tears
But what happens next was shocking

Violets pov

U saw hoe those stupid Slytherin's were bullying kids I hate them
But the hen I saw that they pushed a kid to the floor and he started to cry
Those Slytherin's stated laughing
Then I snapped

"You bunch of idiot why did you do that" I said

"Well you see beautiful it's tradition
We do it every year and it's
Just alot of fun"Mulciber said
With a smirk on his face

That made me more angry

"Locomotor Wibbly"I yelled
(I looked it up at Google don't know
if it's right)

Then Mulciber fell to the ground
And I walked to the first year and
helped him up

"It's alright you don't have to worry about them as long I attend this school
I will make sure you don't have to go through that"

"Thank you " then he hugged me

"He's so cute can we keep him" Marlene asked

" No Marlene you can't possibly doing that
It's illigal" Remus said

"Well I support Marlene's idea I always wanted to be a father and vi can be the mother"
James said

"No we will not keep him"
I said

"Off you go little one have fun "
I said to the boy

"You guys are weird who wants a child like it's hell trust me"Sirius said

"How do you have experience in parenting"
Peter asked

"Regulus we needed to babysit him when he was younger " Sirius said

"Well let's go to school" Remus said

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