Tang Xiaoxiao and the others greeted her with a smile.

The girl said amicably, “I’m Shen Qianzi, your new roommate.”

The three of them introduced themselves politely.

“I am Tang Xiaoxiao.”

“I am Zheng Miao.”

“Gu Mang.”

Shen Qianzi’s gaze swept across Gu Mang’s face. She paused for a moment.

She regained her senses quickly and said with a smile, “Let’s take care of each other from now on. If you guys need any help, feel free to tell me.”

Tang Xiaoxiao and Zheng Miao were more extroverted, so they became close with Shen Qianzi very quickly.

After drinking a cup of water, Gu Mang thought of the assignment that the teacher had handed out. Her lower jaw shifted slightly.

She put down her cup and sent a message to Lu Chengzhou. [Let me borrow Red Flame’s artificial intelligence programming book for a while.]

The man replied quickly. [For an assignment?]

Gu Mang tapped on the keyboard. [Yeah.]

Lu Chengzhou replied, [It would take too long for Red Flame to deliver it there. Send me your assignment. I’ll teach you.]

Gu Mang said, [Okay, give me 30 minutes.]

She put her phone away before grabbing a few lollipops and chocolates from the cupboard and stuffing them into her bag. She also brought along the book that Yang Tianming had given her.

Chapter 645: Dream Come True! Talk About the Importance of Cozying Up to Someone Powerful!

Seeing that Gu Mang was packing her things again within a few minutes of her return, Tang Xiaoxiao asked, “Gu Mang, are you going out again?”

She hummed in acknowledgment and said, “I’m leaving now.”

She carried her bag on her shoulder, opened the door, and left. Shen Qianzi stared at the door for a few seconds before looking away.

10PM. Gu Mang had still not returned.

After showering, Shen Qianzi was drying her hair with a towel. Looking at Gu Mang’s bed, she turned to Tang Xiaoxiao. “Is Gu Mang usually very busy?”

Tang Xiaoxiao, who was reading, looked up. She turned her chair 180 degrees and placed the book on her legs before answering, “Gu Mang is trying to enter a very prestigious specialization. She’s taking medical informatics classes now. I heard that the workload is very heavy there.”

“It’s not just ‘heavy’! It’s ridiculous!” At the mention of the medical informatics specialization, Zheng Miao’s scalp turned numb.

After Gu Mang had chosen her second major, Zheng Miao did some research and found out that the major really did not see their students as humans.

Freshmen medical students studying traditional chinese medicine only had one practicum per semester. The number of practicums per semester for Medical Informatics students depended entirely on the teacher’s mood. Sometimes, they could even have one practicum every week!

Hearing this, Shen Qianzi was dazed and the smile on her face froze. “The Medical Informatics specialization has such high demands. Only masters students typically get admitted. Can Gu Mang really choose to specialize when she has just entered Capital University?”

“Gu Mang is different from us.” Tang Xiaoxiao pointed at the book. “She is smart. She topped the national university entrance exams when she was seven years old.”

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