Do I Know You?

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Along a winding road a certain black t-top firebird cruised along in what seemed to be the middle of nowhere. The red scanner on the front pacing back and forth confirmed that there were indeed no towns for miles, only some fields of cows and horses. Michael Knight sat in the drivers seat, mainly leaving the driving to his partner KITT. He was still mildly annoyed that his date with a lovely young lady named Stacey had been cancelled by Devon thanks to the car practically betraying him.

"KITT?" Michael addressed after not speaking for several hours.

"Yes, Michael?" KITT answered, the corresponding light bars of his voice box moving as he did.

"Remind me why Devon approved this assignment?" he asked, tone still irritated.

"As a favor to Bonnie and a former associate of the Foundation," KITT explained. "Katie Smith is the young lady we are going to meet. And she just so happens to be Bonnie's cousin."

Bonnie's cousin? Maybe missing that date wasn't such a bad thing. After all there's a lady in distress! Michael thought to himself.

It was another hour before they arrived at their destination and parked in front of a large building. The sign out front read "Rocky Mountain Wolf Sanctuary and Reptile Rescue." That's a pretty odd combination, Michael thought, though he guessed it was because both groups of animals were either feared, hated, or both by a lot of people.

There were several other cars in the lot and even a school bus. The kids that had come must have been on a field trip. Though, from where he couldn't guess. He walked towards the wooden doors of the stone building and inside he found a very homey reception area with a fireplace, older looking chairs and a wooden desk that had a scenery of wolves carved all across the front with intricate detail.

His attention was pulled away from it when the lady behind the desk addressed him. "May I help you?" she asked, giving him a skeptical look as she stood up from behind the desk.

"Yes, actually. I'm here to see Katie Smith," Michael informed her.

The receptionist studied him for a moment before responding. "Look, if you're another one of those jerks working for her brother, she's not going to want to see you," she warned.

That was odd. Why would this woman assume something like that? "I can assure you miss... Lesley," he said, reading her nametag. "I have nothing to do with her brother. I'm Michael Knight, here on behalf of the Foundation of Law and Government."

That seemed to ring a bell with Lesley. Hadn't Katie mentioned that organization before? Maybe he really wasn't another one of that guy's thugs. At the very least it settled her for now. "Katie's out taking care of a situation that happened a couple nights ago. She should be back soon though," she assured before going back to sit down. "You're free to wait and warm yourself by the fire until she does."

Michael was about to ask what had happened the other night when KITT called him over the com link. Lesley didn't seem to have heard, so he moved away from the desk and over to the fireplace. Then he casually leaned against the wall and raised the watch to speak. "What do you got for me, buddy?" he asked in a hushed tone.

"Two people and a canine are approaching the building. I detect one of them has elevated leukocyte levels," KITT informed his driver.

"English, KITT?" Michael requested.

"White blood cells," KITT clarified. "It means that she is either sick or injured. Perhaps both."

That couldn't have been good. Michael wondered if this had to do with the incident Lesley mentioned. He asked for more detail but KITT didn't answer before the two people in question rounded the corner, each carrying two wolf cubs bundled in blankets.

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