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The Colorado night was quiet save for that of the growls and yips of the few wolves that were awake within the sanctuary and wrestling around on the fenced grounds. The sanctuary had very few lights on for the full time staff who lived there, in order to help promote the natural nocturnal behavior of the animals. It was also far enough away from the city that there was little to no light pollution and people could see galaxies like those in pictures from National Geographic.

No one would ever suspect someone to be out in this darkness with bolt cutters and malicious intent. It was the alpha female wolf who sensed the intruder first. She didn't need to see him to feel the darkness attached to his soul, and without hesitation she moved towards the entrance of her den, only pausing to nuzzle a cub back to sleep who had begun to awaken when she moved.

Carefully she stepped out of the den to investigate. Her golden eyes reflected the moon light as she scanned the surrounding area. An angry growl rumbled in her throat as she spotted movement that wasn't one of her packmates. No, they were all away from the den stalking prey for her. This intruder had dared to come close to her den and her cubs. She couldn't wait for the pack to come back and charged forward with a snarling bark and teeth bared.

The intruder, not as stealthy as he thought as he was, didn't see the wolf coming until she was practically on top of him in a running leap. Her teeth dug into his arm as he attempted to shield his face and neck from the large attacking predator. He cried out and struggled against her as she pulled him to the ground. She made a point to step on him with her large paws as she tried to get at his throat, but she had left his other arm unhindered.

That mistake would lose her this fight as the man managed to pull out his pistol and fire off a shot. The wolf yelped out, and she attempted to get away from him but the red-hot pain in her side made her fall hard to the ground. The man managed to scramble away from the wolf and stand. He watched her struggle to even get up, and aimed the pistol at her to finish what he had come here to do...

But he didn't get the chance. He could hear the running pawsteps of the pack coming towards him, and on top of that the lights in the facility had turned on. That shot had most definitely woken someone up and he wasn't up for another fight right now.

Reluctantly, he turned and fled.

As the pack came upon their alpha female some stopped by her side, trying to comfort and help her while others chased after the intruder's scent. They wouldn't catch him as he had a long head start. When they did come back, they came across another human. This one a young woman with dark hair and glasses, still in her pajamas, hurrying to see if the worst had happened.

The wolves didn't stop her. They knew this one and she was trusted. Even the alpha male didn't so much as growl at her as she fussed over his mate.

"This is bad..."

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