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Dear Diary,

Hi. I ship my big brother to my suitor.

You might think I am crazy but... yeah I guess.

I don't do this shipping with everyone who courts me or who admires me... It's just that...

The first time I saw Kiyoo and Atsu talking and arguing in the Spring Nationals, I felt a cold shiver down my spine...

I know I felt the spark between them so I immediately put inside my head and heart that they really are meant to be... because... ah... they are.. wait how should I put it?

Ah yes! Perfect together!

The only thing that seems to be the problem is....

Atsumu wants to win my heart over and not my brother's! First dissappointment I ever had in my High School life.


But... I'll do everything in my power to make sure Big Brother Kiyoo ends up dating Atsumu Miya of Inarizaki High!!!

-Kimiko Sakusa. ❤️

My Suitor is My Brother's Lover (SakuAtsu)Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα