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The next thing Brock knew he was waking up in the hospital. His arm having bandages on it and he had a IV pumping fluids and blood into him to make sure he didn't die. He slowly opened his eyes feeling the emptiness in his chest as he looked around "fuck" he growled out. Feeling anger and sadness wash over him. Venom was gone he wouldn't have let him get that close to dying. Why is he gone.? Why did he have to leave! Why! Why! Why! Why! WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY!!!!! Why was he alone. Why did everyone he care about leave. He felt wetness on his cheek and limply lifted his hand to wipe his face clean. He was crying.........pathetic. Pathetic for him to cry over this. Pathetic that venom wasn't there to save him. Pathetic that he expected him to be there when he actually needed him. He didn't know what he had expected. But he kept running it through his head. Trying to figure out how it happened. What venom had told him that he hadn't heard. Where he could be. After a few minutes he hit the call button letting them know that he was awake. Wanting to get out of the hospital as soon as possible so he could find venom and beat his ass for leaving him.

They didn't let him leave for 3 days. Wanting to make sure everything was ok before they let him leave. He sped on his bike not even bothering to put his helmet on as he went immediately to the shore overlooking where everything had happened. He almost felt himself growl seeing it. Maybe venom had rubbed off on him in some weird way as he overlooked the water letting his bike fall to the ground on its side. He walked up to the waters edge and picked up a stone throwing it as hard as he could into the water "Dammit come out here and talk to me!!!!" Kicks at the grass tears threatening to fall again as he wiped his face "you're being very se-elfish. And I hate you.- and you're just a idiot p-parisi-" he felt himself break a bit instead blinking the tears away this time as he just gently closed his mouth before finishing the word venom hated so much. Slowly sitting down on the watery shore dipping his hand in to feel the cool dead feeling of the gentle waves.

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