"He does?" Marina asked with wide eyes.

"I told him it wasn't up to me but it was up to both of you," Keith said as he looked between the two girls.

"Do we have to?" Marina asked.

"No," Keith said with a shake of his head. "You don't have to if you don't want to."

There was a few moments of silence before Marina spoke up.

"I want to," Marina said with a nod of her head. "I always wanted to know what papa was like and now I can."

"I don't want to," Camilla said with a shake of her head. She had been silent the entire time Keith was explaining.

"But Cami-" Marina started to protest before Camilla cut her off.

"No!" Camilla said with another shake of her head. "He hurt daddy, badly. I don't want to see him."

Before Keith or Marina could say anything, Camilla ran upstairs and Keith heard her bedroom door slam shut. Normally he would go up and scold her for slamming her door but he knew she was just getting her feelings out, he could let it slide this time.


"Just because I'm on my knees and swearing I will change

And do anything to hear you say, "I'm yours"

Just because I know I'll never ever feel the same

Doesn't mean I love you anymore, more

Doesn't mean I love you anymore (Anymore, anymore)

Doesn't mean I love you anymore"

The crowd cheered as Keith finished his song and he headed off the stage and to the bar. He put his apron back on and turned around, his heart leaping seeing Lance sitting at the bar.

"Hey," Lance said with a small smile.

"Hi," Keith said with a soft nod.

"Sorry to drop by like this, again, I guess I got anxious of waiting and wanted to ask if you if the girls have said anything," Lance said as he rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly.

"Well, one of them wants to and one of them wants nothing to do with you," Keith said with a sigh.

"Then I take it you told them what went on between the two of us?"

"I did," Keith said with a nod. "They've only ever been told that their father left them, they deserved to know the truth."

"I would have done the same thing," Lance said with a chuckle. "So, now what?"

"I'm not sure," Keith said with a sigh. "I don't want to force anything on them."

"I know," Lance said with a nod of his head. "I don't either."


"Daddy?" Keith looked up from his phone as he lay on his bed to find Camilla standing by the doorway, her arms behind her back.

"What's wrong Cami?" Keith asked putting his phone down and patting the space on the bed in front of him. Camilla padded over and climbed onto the bed and sitting on it.

"I thought about papa," Camilla said with a frown. "And how Marina wants to meet him."

"Cami, you don't have to meet him if you don't want to," Keith said as he pulled Cami onto his lap and started playing with her hair. "He doesn't want to force you to meet him if he doesn't."

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