Counting Losses

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They headed onto the Quinjet, and Rhodey sat in the pilots seat. Tony sat in the back. Clint tried to calm Steve, who was practically hyperventilating at the thought of hurting Natasha, as he had learned of the incident when he asked where she was.

She stayed in Clint's room with Bruce taking care of her, and it wasn't until Sam put a hand on Steve's shoulder and told him that she was going to meet them in Wakanda, that he calmed. He was still nervous, but when the plane landed, he took a deep breath and stood.

They stepped off the runway, where T'challa was waiting for them. He greeted Clint with a grin, and Clint returned it.

"Glad you finally cashed that favor in," T'challa said, in a thick accent. "Thought you never would."

Clint nodded, looking back at Steve.

"Well," he said, and Steve stepped forward. "There's no one better qualified to fix him than your sister."

T'challa smiled and led them into the building. They went into a lab, where a tall, thin girl who looked like T'challa was waiting.

"Welcome to Wakanda," she said, smiling warmly. "If you could lay on the table," she added, nodding to Steve. He followed her directions, giving a shy smile.


The rest of the Avengers were taken on a tour of the city by T'challa, and then headed to meet Natasha as well.

The plane landed, and she stepped off the runway, on crutches and heavily supported by Bruce and Thor, who was curious about the hidden city.

Clint helped her into the building, and to the room she was staying in. He stayed with her until T'challa cane and alerted Clint that Steve was allowed to have visitors. Natasha and Clint looked at each other, and she shook her head.

"I'll wait a little," she smiled, reassuringly. "I'll visit later. He'll be nervous anyway."

Clint nodded, and left.

Natasha sighed, and went into the bathroom. She started the shower, and undressed as quickly as she could, causing minimal pain. She couldn't stifle a groan, however, as her shirt brushed her bruised middle. She stepped under the spray, letting the hot water run over her body, relaxing her muscles.

When she got out, she got dressed, and pulled her hair half up in a bun on top of her head. She grabbed her crutches and decided to go visit Steve.


Steve was sitting on the medical table, surrounded by Wakandan doctors. The team was near him, but all in their suits, minus Bruce, who was behind Rhodey. They parted to make way for Natasha to limp through, and she stopped next to Clint.

"Oh, Nat," Steve reached out a hand to touch her shoulder, and she flinched away.

"Stay away from her," Clint growled, stepping in front of Natasha.

Steve had tears in his eyes, and he tried to blink them away. He looked at the bandages peeking out of her shirt, and he winced.

"Natasha, I-"

"Leave her alone," Clint interjected.

He had a record to hold grudges against people who wronged his partner. It was clear that he had grown spiteful towards Steve, after he had injured Natasha, his best friend.

"You could have killed her."

Steve nodded and looked away, so as not to let the others see him cry.

"Clint, it's alright," Tony said. "He didn't know what he was doing."

"I don't care," Clint hissed. "He almost killed her," he muttered, almost to himself.

Steve knew that what they were saying was true.

"I know, but he won't try it again. He's back," Fury said.

He understood Clint, because he, also, felt protective of Natasha. She was like a daughter to him. He felt rage towards Steve for what he had done, but also knew it wasn't the man's fault.

Natasha didn't seem to want to talk to Steve either, or even look at him for that matter.
She stood behind Clint, and flinched whenever Steve moved.

She had every right to be scared. Clint had obviously lost the record for worst injuries, and Natasha had lost her trust for Steve. She was terrified when he moved, as though he was going to hurt her again.

She whispered something to Clint, took one last look at Steve and walked out of the room, Clint trailing behind her, glaring at Steve.

Everyone left until it was just Steve, the Wakandan doctors, and Fury.
He nodded to Steve, with pity in his eyes, and then exited to check on Natasha.

Steve took a deep breath and calmed himself. He felt horrible after seeing what he had done to Natasha, and wanted to apologize, but she wouldn't go near him, and he couldn't blame her. He was a monster. He'd almost killed her, and now he had to earn her trust back.

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