"Jesus Christ" Jin breathes out before rubbing his head in frustration. Again, we've found another person to not trust in this place.

"She's been fucking him" I say nearly the throwing up at my own words. The disgust and hate I now feel for this woman is enough to make me wanna kill her.

"I should have never agreed to hand him over to her care" Jin says, and I can hear the disappointment in his voice. He probably feels like he's failed Jungkook. But it's not his fault. The woman is head of the department, he couldn't argue against her even if he wanted to. She's his boss.

"Jin there's over 20 more tapes back in her office" I say before collapsing my head into my hands. I can't look at the screen anymore it's knocking me sick.Suddenly it all starts to hit me. That's why she gives him those sleeping pills, so she can rape him whilst he's unconscious. That's why I'm given Thursdays as a day off. So no one will be around when she visits him.

Dear god she would have fucked him if I didn't walk in that morning.

"I'm gonna be sick." I say before hurrying to a corner of the room. My stomach is churning as I hear her moans coming from the tape. She's vile. A snake of a woman. This whole place is fucked up he should have never been brought here!!

Just when I thought things couldn't get worse, Jin fast forwards the tape, and the ending almost sends me to collapse.

"I love you so much" Doctor Lee whispers whilst pulling her underwear back up. She then crouches beside Jungkooks unconscious body, her hand slipping into his pants and stroking him. "You're my perfect boy. Mommy loves you."

"M-mommy?" I flick my eyes straight at Jin, but he just continues to stare at the tape in shock.


No this can't be true.

"She can't possibly be his mother t-they don't have the same sir name???"

"Lee could be her maiden name Y/n."

"But that would be incest!? A-are you telling me that that woman on the screen is Jungkooks mother??"

Suddenly the room starts to spin and my head becomes dizzy. "I want him out of here Jin. We have to get him out—."

"Y/n we can't yet—."

"He shouldn't be here Jin we have to help him!!"

Grabbing my shoulders Jin tries to calm me down by carefully guiding me to a seat. He then crouches before me, taking my hands into his hold. I'm shaking, I'm actually in shock from what I've just witnessed on that screen and I can't seem to stop my mind from whirling.

"Listen to me. We will get Jungkook the help he needs. But for now. You can't tell anyone about this tape. Doctor Lee could easily fire us both."

My eyes well up with tears.

"You have to stay strong here Y/n. Otherwise you'll be caught out for what you know. Im gonna keep this tape with me and take it home. It's physical evidence, we now have an edge against this place, a reason for Jungkook to get out. But I still have a lot of stuff to arrange and I need you to be patient for me."

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