Chapter One- Mind on them

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        I woke up slowly to Shaggy's 'It Wasn't Me'. I watched through my dorm window as the rain softly decorated it with small smears of water. Since it was Saturday and I had no classes I decided to stay in for the day and study.

        Hours into studying, my mind wandered to that night about a year ago. It was a pretty fantastic year. I had gotten an internship on the set of a pretty well known show. Because my internship was ending, I was invited to attend the ball on New Years. There was a catch. You were given a mystery date. Your mystery date had to reveal themselves on the stroke of midnight.
        My night was pure magic. We danced all evening and we even talked while we danced. On the final stroke, he kissed me. For the rest of the evening we had left, we held each other close, as if the other would somehow disappear. When he had to leave he left me with a promise. I can still feel the breath on my ear and the shivers down my spine as he whispered past the crowd cheering for the new year.

        "I'll be back for you Darlin', one day." He spun me once more to place a small kiss on my lips before he disappeared into the celebrating crowd without so much as another farewell glance. Frantically I had searched the crowd, everyone unmasked, for one of his cast members or a close friend even. when  finally found one, they gave me his number. Which, to my disappointment, was to a local pizzeria.

        I slammed my pen down in frustration. It had been a year  for crying out loud! As far as I know, he hasn't even attempted to find me. I tried. Believe me, I tried. I even called his agent. Nothing.

        I stood from my bed, deciding I was going to settle this. I went to my desktop and logged onto twitter. I found his page and immediately felt as though I had been sucker punched in the gut. I shouldn't have expected anything else. I had no idea what I had been thinking. Of course he would move on. I had no place in his life of Fame and glamour. She was already there. An actress. His tweets were all of her. The woman in his picture. She was gorgeous. Her eyes were filled with warmth, as was her perfect smile. What hurt the most, is that you couldn't tell it was him from his face as he wasn't facing the camera. He was kissing her temple as he did to me many times throughout that night.

        Teardrops collected on the keyboard as my eyes pooled with them. my face soon reflected the dreary window, and I shut down the desktop, before going back to my bed, only to curl up and nap.

                                                                        **Jensen's POV**

        Ari had switched my profile picture on twitter just yesterday, yet the feeling of what once was love was still fading. My mind drifted to the girl I met about a year ago. Her hair couldn't decide what color it was, between black and red, so much so that it came to rest at a savory shade of burgundy, or whether it was wavy or straight. Her steel gray eyes that glistened with kindness and shown with the abundant happiness that came with a joke. Her full, pale red lips that, even when she smiled were set in a pout. she wasn't a twig, like most people would think I would date, she was gracefully curvy. Her intelligence was through the roof as well. She had a sarcastic humor that to some would be very offensive and rude. It was hilarious when she insulted someone, especially if they thought she was complimenting them.

        On the final stroke of midnight, I followed whatever instinct it was that made me kiss her. I'm glad I did. Sparks flew in every direction, as cliche as it is to say that. When I promised what I did, I didn't think I would meet Ari. I did though, and I should have contacted her, but I only gave her my number, which changed, and I got only her name. Vitaliya Alice Daniels. I tried to shove the thoughts of her from me, but she always invaded her way into my mind. In hopes it would distract me, I drifted to sleep on the couch.

Hi Guys! Another story! I hope you like this one. I wrote it a while ago but my computer crashed and I just got it working again. Luckily everything I wrote was saved. enjoy! 



Love you!

*-* Mariah

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