Chapter 01

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                                                                 = The Beginning of the WORST=

 Violet's Past:

5 years ago. . .

It was a beautiful and peaceful day  for the 5 year old.

She was with her mama and papa and her four older siblings all together,  not one with a frown all smiles around. They lived in their humble home in the Philippines. Where they worked in a 2 hectare farm full of all kinds of vegetables and some fruits here and there.

You might say they lived a poor life but to them they were richer than any other, one thing's for sure they were always happy and easy going and their parents were always home.(unlike other kids who rarely spend time with their mom and dad). They were eating healthy meals each day even if they eat it over and over again, they never complained their mama was a great cook, they'd have veggies all their life at least they'll live long( or what their mama and papa said).

The five siblings would and always look out for each other whether they me be crossing the river to school or simply playing or swimming for fun.

Jun,  is  17 years old and the oldest of the five siblings.

He had jet-black hair and you would usually see it tied up into a ponytail. Mainly because he hasn't got a haircut since who knows when. And he is the most outgoing and very responsible child of all of the five. Juan the 8 year old looked up to him.

The second child was Emma, she also has jet-black hair and is only two years younger than Jun. You could say she's like their mama's substitute when the grown-ups aren't around and would always carry Violet wherever.(she's one of her favorite sibling)

Then there's Emelda, Emma's twin and like Emma she too was like a mother to them, well way stricter then her other twin who would say no to almost everything they want to do(which Little Violet hated her for). But all of them know she has god intentions, she just can't keep her mouth shut sometimes.

As for the 8 year old Juan, he was the troublemaker of the siblings.( he's responsible for little Violet being just like him). He is also the one you'd turn to for comfort when your having a bad day. With just one joke or antic he'll lift your mood faster then you could remember what you were mad or sad about. If you were his neighbor or you happen to know him, he's known to get his ass in trouble and never seem to regret it.

Now to the youngest- Violet. She is somewhat the oddball of the family, she doesn't like barbie dolls like her big sisters and would always play with marbles with her 'kuyas'. you'd often see her wearing her 'kuya' Jun's cap. If you'll ask her why she'll just reply with a " because big brother Juan told me I looked  beautiful" (you could say she's more of a tomboy than ladylike).






Now back to where the day was beautiful and peaceful, not long before they could sit together to have their family meal like they used to, some men in black came bursting through their wooden door shooting their precious mama and papa in the head.

As for Jun who fought the men was now on the a puddle of his own blood without life in his once cheery eyes. The four siblings tried to hide while their little sister cried in fright whilst hiding behind her sisters' back like a little mouse while they tried to go through the back door. But alas, they were surrounded and more of the strange men beat up her older siblings. Not long after her 'ate' Emelda was also plastered on the ground, her left hand cut off. 

Now with only Juan being the only boy left he tried to stop the men from hurting his siblings any longer. But he too failed to do so, both girls were in shock and was frozen in place.

Out in pure rage Emma took her papa's 'sundang' and stabbed two of the men leaving them badly injured. But to no vail she to ended the same fate as her other family members. Leaving poor Violet all alone and scared for what will happen to her.

The next thing the poor girl felt the dirty floor and passed out.


This was the worst birthday ever.

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