Another DADA Teacher

11 1 0

July of 2019


Harry sets down his glasses on the desk and rubs his eyes. He has just finished writing a letter. He leans back and relaxes. Upstairs, James and Ablus had began fighting again, and he could hear Ginny trying to make peace between them. But she gives up soon enough, as she knows it's futile. James was just like his namesakes- James Potter and Sirius Black. The boy could never sit quietly for the life of him, always wanting to pull a prank on his siblings.

There is a knock on the door of his study and Harry looks up. Lily enters the room squeeling with excitement. 'Dad! Look, our Hogwarts letters just arrived! I can finally go now! Oh, oh! When can we go shopping in Diagon Alley? When are we buying my books? And I want a broomstick, can we go today? Can I get a Firebolt? Just like you had in your time. When are we going?'

Harry laughs, and goes to hug Lily. She is a bubbly little girl. 'First years aren't allowed to have their own broomsticks, love. You'll have to wait until next year,' says Harry smiling at her.

'Yeah, yeah, I knew that, just hoping you'd forget' said Lily, still gleaming with joy for this was going to be her first year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft And Wizardry. She had wanted to go ever since James's first year, and would cry in the backseat of the car while returning from dropping her brothers off on the station, thinking Ginny and Harry hadn't noticed.

'We'll first have to send your confirmation letter to Professor McGonagall, okay?' And mine too, thinks Harry. For he was going back to Hogwarts as well: to teach his favourite subject, Defence Against The Dark Arts, to it's students. But Lily needn't know that so soon.


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⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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