F/n pov:

I stared at my starting soon screen, it was a fanart piece of my brother and myself laying down in a flower field and a gif of Giorno Giovanna drinking piss out of a tea cup and some cat gifs too. I watched my chat move by, my stream is muted and Ranboo, Tommy and Tubbo joined the call "I convinced them!" I smiled "Hello again Tommy, hello Tubbo" I greet them both

"Hello!" Tubbo spoke, Tommy shouted "HI WOMAN" I sighed loudly "Alright give me a minute"

I muted myself on discord and unmuted on stream "Hello chat! Today we're playing left4dead 2 but it's different, if I die I end stream. So I have my dumbass of a brother Ranboo joining us and" I unmuted discord "I have two special guest here as well"

Tommy screamed down his mic "HELLO" Tuboo shouted but away from his "HI" I watched as chat zoomed by with 'Omg tommy and Tubbo' and other variations of the sorts "Wow, chat loves you guys. Im hurt" I said sarcastically "LETS PLAY" Ranboo said

(Everything now takes place inside the game)

Joining in, I quickly see them grabbing equipment. I did the same grabbing a knife and a loaded shotgun. "Alright, lets go!" I whisper yelled smashing and open ceiling window and jumping down.

Of course they followed behind me as I played this multiple times and there were a few zombie. Nothing I couldn't handle, slicing their face they dropped one by one "How many hours" Tubbo asked. I thought about it "I think over 100? maybe more. I dont know I just love this map"

Going down stairs, we closed doors with zombies inside, Ranboo using his pistol, shooting the few in front of us. We looked in the kitchen, Tommy grabbed the bottle of pills "Yoooo pills" I turned around "Save those, its useful later. Ya know tank" I spotted a molotov 'Useful for tanks'

We made our way out of the building and outside, walking out of the alleyway. We shoot any stray zombies or quickly run past them "Dont hit the flashing car"

Ranboo wacked the flashing car "FUCK" Tubbo yelled seeing the horde of zombies running at us "SAFE HOUSE IS UPAHEAD" I yelled. We all ran down to the safe house, slamming the door shut and pusbing the bar down we all sighed in relief.

(I will seriously write the whole gameplay of no mercy, I need the words)

The second map loaded and we checked our health bars "Best we heal up before moving. Theres a crap load of zombies in out there" Ranboo suggested, we all agreed and healed up. Tommy grabbed a baseball bat "Tommy give me the bat" He held it away from me "No, it's my bat" I furrow my brows and grabbed a M16A2 "Whatever, I have this beauty of a gun" We jumped down going down the subway lines "Ew, gross" Tubbo said holding up a boomer vile "Hey Tubbo switch with me" I said holding my molotov "Sure [USER] I don't want it anyways" we switched "Oh by the way Tommy and Ran went up ahead" I sighed "Lets catch up"

We followed them through the subway line "Go up to her Ranboo" Ranboo rolled his eyes "Nah, I like men" Both boys burst into a fit of laughter and like real men

They laughed at the witch while walking past her. Getting out of the subway lines, we go inside a building with what seems like generators. Tubbo pressed a button and started a horde "Fuck okay okay" Tommy said more to himself. We stood by the huge metal door waiting for it to go up.

Fighting off another horde was easier said than done. We ran up the stairs, Ranboo shot the gas can blocking the pathway to us. We grabbed ammo and found more weapons but the ones we had were better "I know a shortcut" We walked into the first room I saw and looked out the window. I pointed to bags of trash "Land on those, it'll hurt but I rather not walk down a bunch of stairs.

One by one we jumped down onto the trash "EW WHY IS IT SO MOIST" Tommy shouted "Oh my god shut, I hear a tank"

I was right there was. I was knocked back but close to safe house "HOLY SHIT"

On the third map we all looked beaten up, bloodied, bruised, Ranboo's leg was clawed up. We healed quickly before leaving "Is this a restaurant?" Ranboo asked "Get I get uhhh a cheeseburger some fries and uhh" A zombie hit me making me turn around and wack it "Dude I was here first" Tubbo laughed.

We walked out and got on the lifted. Horde number 3. Once it stopped we jumped onto the roof running inside the building and jumping down the whole already made. While they went downstairs, I walked forward untill I was in the last room "Nice, a shot" I put the shot in my pocket and jumped down onto the box outside the window then jumped off it. The guys already at the door.

In the sewers, we gagged at the smell "This is what america smells like no joke. I hate it here most days" Ranboo nodded "Agree but love me some taco bell"

Walking door to door, we find a way out of the sewers and into a hospital "WOO WERE ALMOST DONE" I cheered. "LETS GO" The two british boys cheered.

Nothing went our way. We had to wait for the elevator and while we did Tommy died "Ah what the fuck" We walked out and a tank appeared hitting Tubbo off the side of the building killing him immediately "Oh god, we're all going to die" I said running side by side with my brother "I'll use you as a meat shield n/n" I smacked his arm "Ouch, my own brother"

Last map. Mercy hospital rooftops

"So many ladders, I swear" I groaned as we jump off the roof onto a side platform and then onto the helicopter landing pad "I'll answer the radio" Ranboo said, I nodded and went to placed everything in its place. Gas cans in the middle and sides were we can shoot them, pipe bombs were on the left and molotov's were on the right"

Helicopter will take 15 minutes to come, Ranboo threw a pipe bomb aside and waited, once it exploded we waited for more to come before throwing the second one and even then he grabbed a molotov for the tank burning it.

10 minutes

The second horde came and so did a second tank. While Tubbo and Tommy were yelling at the both of us once the helicopter came we booked it towards the landing pad.

I threw the boomer vile at the tank but I screamed as it fucken knocked me off the building and into the void


I groaned loudly "I WAS SO CLOSE" Tommy was laughing saying 'L' I looked at my chat "Well bye chat" I ended stream and stayed in call.

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