Trust and Lies chapter 11

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JNJS cafè Pov.

-rosè came-

Chae: [am i doing this right?, Should i really nedd to go he-]
Jisoo: chaeng! [Normal tone]
Chae: [look at jisoo and to jensoo] [bow] congrats nga pala for new cafè [small smile]
Jennie: thanks! Btw want drinks?
Chae: nah im not drinking now [chuckles]
Jennie: huh? What a big word! I really knew that your drunksè eh [giggles]
Chae: ahaha o-oo nga...

Many hours later -chaeyoung is just standing while eating-

Jennie pov.

Why she really need to go here?! Aish! [Go to chaeyoung]

Jennie: you!! [Mad, slaps chaeyoung]
Chae: awh!!! What?!
Jennie: why are you stealing! [Go to chaeyoung back and put something in her pocket secretly] your stealing one of our collections in cafè!!
Chae: i didnt!
Jisoo: whats happening?!
Jennie: babe! Your mother fucking ex! Is just stealing one of our collections!!
Jisoo: [deep sigh] babe? Please clear first if she really steal something [calm tone]
Jennie: ok! [Get something pn chaengs pocket and shoq it to everyone] here!!! [Fake mad]
Jisoo: [stare at chaeyoung then slaps her] why the fuck you steal!! Get out!!! [Shout]
Chae: but i didnt! [Crying]
Jisoo: [drag chaeyoung outside]

-outside pov-

Jisoo: dont you ever come back or else i will sue you!!
[Leave chaeyoung alone]
Chae: [tears strarting to build up then wipe it] i will do everything just to save you from jennie even it hurts [sobs then call lisa]

Lisa pov.

Lisa: [answer the call]


Lisa: yes chip?
Chae: l-lisa p-pls fetch me [sobs]
Lisa: wait are you cying? [Worried tone]
Chae: pls lisa[sobbing]
Lisa: o-ok im coming
Chae: ok [hangup]
Lisa: aish i knew it [get the motor key and go to her motor then drive through rosè's place]

💙💜Chapter 12 coming!!💜💙

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