The Things Behind My Smile Chapter 6

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Chapter 6


-At class-

"I have something to announce and i think you guys will like it." Ms.Oh said.

"What is it?" Students shouted.

"We are gonna have a Christmas party in 1 week at this school. I hope you guys will like this and also the food and stuff were prepared by the teachers no need to pay. if you want to ask more questions come to my office. Bye class."


I should ask karina if she's going.

"Karina unnie are you going?"

"I will ofcourse."

"Okay." I said smiling

Karina is going! I think this is the best time to confess to her. At the Christmas party.. will she accept my feelings though?....

"Winter do you want to have lunch with me? I mean im still scared of that guy. actually he's still following me around."

"Sure i don't want you to get hurt."

"Thank you Min Jeong-ah."

Min Jeong-ah? Its the first time she said my name!!!!


"Actually do you want to go to the rooftop? That's where i eat when im in a good mood. It's has a nice view and the wind there is pretty cool." I said still smiling.

"Okay if you want to."

It's also the place where i forgived
you and you said sorry to me there.


"Actually it's pretty lonely here." I said looking down the rooftop.

"Careful Winter."

"Today is actually my parents death anniversary."

"I thought you were an orphan?"

"Actually my parents died in a car accident a year ago. Your the first one to hear this actually except for my Friends."

"Oh.... Sorry Winter i bullied you because of that... I didn't know..."

"It's okay.... because its you..." i said smiling.

"Should we eat now?"

"You can go ahead im still enjoying the view." I said smiling.


"Karina unnie if i said something to you would you be able to accept it?"

"What is it?"

"It's nothing."


-5 days passed-

We were getting closer and closer every single day but somehow my heart aches more than often.

I asked the doctor earlier and its because my heart is getting weaker and weaker...

The doctor said i only have 8 days left If i didn't get the treatment. But because we only realized it now i can't get treatment.

If only i realized it early then could i have received treatment and be together with Karina for a few more months?

The only chance for me to live long is get another heart....

Now i was finding karina so i could tell her to meet me at the rooftop after Christmas party cause the date when we're having the Christmas party is in Christmas.

I kept finding her then 2 of her friends said that they saw her at the back of the school with a guy so i quickly rushed there.

"Where is she?" I said trying not to run.

Then i saw her with a guy its kai.... He was pinning karina at the wall then he kissed Karina...

And what shocks me the most is because Karina also kissed Kai....

I felt dizzy so i quickly got out of there.

Why?... Did she kiss Kai? Karina said she's scared of him though......

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