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hi, it's been a while since i wrote something. I've been so busy with exams and assignments :( But here's an update XD hope you guys like it!

Today was supposed to be a day out with your boyfriend, Ran, but of course God has something else for you. “Im really sorry Y/N, it's just a sudden news to us  as well and we couldn't find anyone better for this” says your aunt apologetically. “It's okay i understand.” You replied. It was a Sunday and yet your aunt received a call from her boss saying there's work. Therefore, there's no one to take care of her six months old son, so she asked you for help. Knowing you couldn't reject, you call your boyfriend to cancel the date. Fortunately, he didn't get upset and even offered to go to your house and take care of the baby together with you.

The bell rang and you went to the door to answer it, knowing it's your boyfriend. “heyy I'm sorry i informed you this late.” “Nah it's okay, i just wanted to spend the day with you that's all” Ran said. He was wearing a black hoodie and a pair of grey sweatpants. His hand holding a bag of something which you assumed it's snack.

Suddenly, you heard there's crying upstairs. You quickly ran up, leaving Ran standing at the door. You carried your nephew and softly comfort him. But he just won't stop crying. You checked the time and realized that it's time for him to drink his milk. Ran came in the room after closing the front door. “Can you help me carry him for a sec? I need to prepare his milk.” You gently place him in Ran's arm.

When you finished preparing the milk, you heard that the crying had stop. Softly opening the door, you saw that Ran was playing with the baby. You can clearly see the smile on the baby's face when Ran made a funny face. You smiled at the sight. You caught their attention and you proceed to feed the baby.

After finish feeding, you gently place the baby into the baby cot and let him sleep. You sang a lullaby for him and didn't realize that Ran was looking at you lovingly from the door. After the baby slept, you both leave the room quietly without closing the door.

You sat on the couch and sigh tiredly while Ran went to the kitchen to get you some water. “Here” he said handing you the cup. “Thanks, don't know what's going to happen without you here.” you saud. “It's okay, i can already imagine how you would look like when you take care of our child” he said like it's the most obvious thing which made you choke on the water.

“Don't say stuff like this so randomly!” you threw a pillow at him which he grab it at ease, laughing. “Why not? You'd look pretty” and now you are blushing like a tomato. “Okay stop it” you said, blushing hard. “Alright alright I'll stop hahaha” he said hugging you from the side.

“Thank you for helping me out today” you looked at him gratefully. “No problem, as long as I'm with you I'm fine with it” he said. You nuzzled your head into his neck, feeling sleepy. Just when you were about to drift off to dreamland, “But seriously though, I'd loved to see you take care of our child” “Ran!”

There! I only manage to finish this one. So sorry again for the late update :(
I'm sorry if there's grammer or spelling mistakes. Hope you guys liked it XD

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: Nov 05, 2021 ⏰

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