She reached the sleeping Alpha and looked at him in awe, his hair was soft and laying softly on the pillow, his bangs fell on his feline closed eyes, his lips were parted as small breaths escaped them.

She reached one hand and touched his cheek, she felt a sudden electric pleasurable feeling and her eyes widened, she kept stroking his cheek for a while enjoying the moment before she remembered why she was there in the first place.

So she stroked his shoulder slightly and spoke called the Alpha's name softly to wake him, But he didn't wake up,
So she tried again and again calling slightly higher till the Alpha stirred in his sleep and opened his eyes slowly, y/n looked at his eyes shocked.

Instead of the usaul brown eyes his eyes were glowing red, this means this is Suga not Yoongi!!

Y/n tried to back away when she heard this but she was pulled down with such a force she couldn't even resist, when she opened her eyes she was on the Alpha's bed looking up at him as he hovered over him with his red eyes.

"Y-yoongi hyung!", the Omega said trying to call for her hyung to help him take over again but no, the wolf was still there staring at her with such an intense stare that sent chills down y/n's spine.

Ella was growling and fighting y/n with all it's strength to take over, the wolf sensed the presence of her mate wolf and was desperate for him, y/n was on the verge of
breaking down between both the wolves.

Suga bent his face down toward y/n's neck and sniffed, this simple gesture made y/n freeze in her place with wide eyes, the Alpha kept on sniffing and started rubbing his face in the Omega's neck to scent mark her, y/n couldn't help the moan that escaped her mouth.

The Alpha heard the moan and growled slightly making y/n whimper in submission.

A long moan escaped y/n as she felt a soft wet thing touching her throat slowly, the Alpha seemed to enjoy the sound as he kept licking the Omega's neck slowly but hungrily, y/n's eyes were flashing blue at this, Ella was really on the verge of taking over but y/n fought her wolf for the sake of Yoongi.

"Hyung, hyung please!!!", her voice was weak and moaning as she shivered under the Alpha, what made y/n feel bad was that she was enjoying it so much.

One particular lick, a lick right over her scent gland, was all it took for y/n to let go, the Omega moaned loudly as her eyes shined in bright blue color and stared at her mate, Ella was in control now.

Ella smirked at her mate and licked his sharp jaw, the Alpha stared at her blue eyes and smirked back, at this point the room was reeking of both wolves horny hermones panting warm breaths at each others faces.

Ella bent her neck to the back exposing her throat and neck to the wolf in submission, the Alpha growled at the sight and bared his teeth ready for marking his mate once and for all, both the wolves were tired of their stupid humans.

Just as Suga's fangs touched Ella's
neck the door was thrown open, they both turned to the door and before Suga can growl at the intrusion he was meet with a hard surface hitting his face harshly.

The wolf groaned and clutched his nose that started bleeding, Ella was still in a daze but y/n took the opportunity and took over cursing at her wolf.

She pushed the poor boy making him fall to the ground with another groan, y/n was quick to her feet and looked at jimin that stood there looking like a fuming volcano, she looked at him with a blushing face and turned to look at her hyung that was still on the floor.

"When I sent her here to wake you up I expected a funny scene not a mating scene you horny littl-", jimin didn't finish his sentence and was dragged away from the room by Hoseok who looked at them with an apologizing smile.

Y/n blushed more and helped Yoongi sit on his bed, the Alpha didn't look her the eyes and stared at the ground silently, his ears and neck were red with embarrassment.

Neither of them said anything as they sat there staring at the wall, both of them knows what their wolves did and why but both of them were scared and hesitant.

"I- I think I.... I'm gonna change my clothes now so...",
Y/n just nodded and rushed out of the room closing the door after her, Yoongi just sighed and stood up to change his clothes cursing at Suga continuously like a prayer.

When he went to the house main hall he was planning to apologize to the Omega and he knew y/n would forgive him,
However when he reached the hall he was surprised to find more than one person was waiting for him, Hoseok, a fuming jimin, a blushing y/n and...
The Masul head Alpha, Namjoon.


I hope you enjoyed this chapter😘

Swagyswagy loves you~💜

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