038. lawsuits and pasta

Start from the beginning

austinnorth awe beautiful princess 😩💘
jennysmith who even are you
austinnorth someone who's verified unlike u

username does anybody know drew's momma insta?? because she needs to knock some sense into this man
rudeth @mamastarkey go ahead

username i can't with the comments

Valentina, Madelyn, and Austin had stayed behind on set as they had to film a few scenes together before the day was over. They were on a short break, something about a lost child on set.

"So you still haven't talked to Drew?" Madelyn casually asked, a burger on her hand.

"No why would I?" The girl responded, trying not to make a big deal out of the situation. She had been doing that for days now. The guys thought she was in denial, but she honestly didn't care anymore. Drew had made his choice and she wasn't going to beg him to come back. Especially when it was more than clear that he didn't anything to do with her anymore.

"Should've given that chance to Rudy instead." Austin said without hesitation, earning a smack from Madelyn.

"Can we not talk about this? That's the last thing I want to do right now." She rolled her eyes, taking fries from Austin's tray.

"Got it." "Sorry." The guys apologized and moved on, kind of like how Valentina had already moved on. She and Lorenzo had gotten closer these past few days, it was just like old times.

"So, you and Lorenzo then?" The boy asked again, only this time he was being dead serious.

Madelyn smacked the boy's shoulders. "Austin!"

"Me and Lorenzo are just friends." She assured the both of them, but a part of her knew she was lying to herself.

Austin couldn't help but laugh. "Yea just like you and Diana right?"

"About that, I'm not 100 percent sure I trust her yet. She was too nice. It was weird." Madelyn admitted.

"Very." The boy repeated. "You know, I still think it's part of an act of hers."

"I don't know. She seemed pretty genuine when she apologized." Valentina spoke, she didn't know if she should trust Diana yet, considering all the things she has done.

"So where is she now?" Madelyn asked.

"I'm not sure, she said she had a quick errand to run." She told them.

"Well that doesn't sound suspicious at all." Austin muttered.



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