• Crazy About You •

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(This one's kinda short lmao)
(Oh and I'm also kinda changing my writing format so just be on the lookout for that)

2rd person pov:

Finn. That's it. Just Finn. Finn is all you can ever seem to think about recently. You and Finn have been friends since before you can even remember, but hopefully soon, you'll be more than that.

Finns pov:

*incoming call from Y/nnn🍑*
I always wait about 2 rings before I pick up the phone so I don't seem too clingy.
"Hey y/nnn"
"Hey Finn! Can I come over? I'm really bored."
"Uh yeah sure"
"Ok cool I'll be there in like 10"
"Ok! Cya then!"
*call ended*
The way she spoke was.. odd to say the least. Her voice sounded strange and she ended the conversation pretty quick. I wonder what's up with her

*time skip*

"Hey y/n! Come on in!"
*I open the door more for her and she just sits on the arm of my couch and looks at me.
"Uhh wassup? Are you like mad at me or something? Y-you seem off"
"Finn I think I'm in love with you" she spits out very quickly, but she does usually talk pretty fast so I've gotten used to it and I understood what she said. To a certain extent...
"I'm sorry. I just couldn't keep it a secret anymore. I totally understand if things are weird between us now it's ju-"
I cut her off my connecting my lips with hers. I could feel her smiling though the kiss. It was all so passionate and remarkable.
"I'm crazy about you." I said after pulling away from our long kiss.
Y/n smiles wide at me and kisses me again. My day just got so much better.

I love this one sm
Def one of my favs
Kk bye luvs<3

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