Chapter 2: The 'Nice' Bourgeois

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(Warning: You may not find that the reader is a total angel, and acts all innocent when she's a total diva and devil)

(Y/n)'s pov

I woke up with a jolt and blinked at the sunlight streaming through the curtains. I rubbed my eyes and looked around the room. It was exactly as I remembered it from a year ago. The same pink canopy bed, the same fluffy rug, the same vanity mirror, the same small dining table. Everything was the same, except for me.

I had gone back in time.

I couldn't believe it. How did it happen? Why did it happen? What was I supposed to do now?

I got out of bed and walked to the mirror. I stared at my reflection and smiled. I was wearing cute and comfortable pajamas that were in style last year. My hair was a mess, but it still looked shiny and silky. My face was flawless, thanks to my expensive skincare products.

I was (Y/n) Bourgeois, the daughter of the mayor and the sister of Chloe Bourgeois. I was rich, beautiful, talented, and popular. I had everything I ever wanted.

'I really did go back in time, this style was so last year but last year is this year!', I thought and giggled at my joke.

"(Y/n), what do you mean by that? Redeem yourself?", Izira questioned.

'Izira catch up', I thought.

"*Inhales, Exhales* I . . want. .to be. .a better . . person", I said with an awkward smile.

"(Y/n) you're already a gifted person, who has lots of talents that no other person has", Izira said.

"No, I mean is. . I want to be nice", I said.

"Nice?", Izira said looking at me weirdly

"Nice", I repeated

"Nice? Nice?~", She questioned again

"NICE!", I yelled, she stepped back and I looked at the floor at my mistake

"Well (y/n) if you want to be a 'nice' person all you have to do is be nice", Izira closed her eyes and turned to leave

"Huh? But. .but how? It's so hard and and", I stuttered

"(y/n), the first steps to being nice is admitting your mistakes now all you have to do is continue that route", Izira smiled and left

'So she did think I was a spoiled brat', I irkingly thought

I let the thought go and fell into my rolling chair, spinning around while leaning backwards so I can see everything behind me.

A canopy Bed.



Small dining table

Vanity Mirror

Yadadadada. . . Almost everything a rich girl with issues has in her bedroom.

"I need to restyle my room", I said

"Heck yeah you do!"

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