Hide {CindyxAlice}

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Cindy was cuddled up next to Alice, looking at the midnight sky. That's the only time that they felt safe being out together as a couple, late at night, when no one could see them but the moon.
They spent many nights like this, watching the stars, or sometimes even the sunrise if Cindy didn't get too tired. Alice was never tired, she was used to not getting full night of sleep ever since she was young.
Their parents thought they were just roomates and they surely couldn't tell their friends, the only person that knew was Ziggy and that's because she connected the dots on her own.
Alice leaned down to give their lover a kiss but noticed tears forming in her eyes.
"Baby, what's wrong? Is everything ok? " They're voice was gentle, they were trying not to upset her more.
"Yeah I'm fine it's just.... I'm tired. I'm tired of hiding. I don't want to pretend I'm someone I'm not." Cindy's eyes started to water more and more until she started full on crying.
"I know hunny, I know, I don't want to hide either, but people are mean and stupid. I know we shouldn't have to do this and it's dangerous to be like us these days but that's never going to stop me from loving you." Alice said and then gave their girlfriend the most comforting hug she had ever received.
"I love you so much Alice, please never leave me, I'll have no one left." Cindy managed to say through her tears.
"I promise I will never, ever leave you. Not in a million years."
And then they just sat there, looking at the sky and knowing they had found their person.

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